Good ideas come frequently, but rarely are they turned into a reality. A few years ago, young entrepreneur Nathan Corn was working when he noticed that both he, and his co-workers, would become so immersed in their work, that they would frequently skip meals. And he realized that he did this even without consciously trying to. It was there that Corn understood that there was a potential need in the market for healthful meals that were accessible to even the busiest of workers. From this observation came the initial concept of FlexPro Meals. In essence, FlexPro would offer individualized meals, prepared with simple ingredients, flavored well, have an appropriate amount of calories, and come balanced with essential carbohydrates and proteins for anyone on any diet – even the infamously strict keto diet. After fleshing out the idea some more, FlexPro Meals eventually became a business opportunity for Corn.
Tenacity is a required skill in any competitive business. And no one knows this better than FlexPro. What began as a small operation in a commissary in Kansas City eventually turned into a fifty million dollar business run by Corn himself and a team of thirty-five employees. A main feature of the FlexPro Meal plan is that once customers select their meals for the week, they’re prepared fresh at FlexPro’s kitchen before being flash frozen and sent out on same-day or next-day shipping. Even if this increases shipping costs for FlexPro, the company insists upon giving customers food that is both safe and nutritionally optimal. While this ensures that customers receive fresh meals, this perk is still susceptible to the downsides of relying on delivery companies as middle men.
Over the past summer, FlexPro had partnered with the United Parcel Service (“UPS”) to provide this next-day shipping. However, UPS then caused several days in shipping, leading to lost meals, untimely deliveries, and understandable customer frustration. Rather than spending time laying blame on delivery companies, FlexPro acted promptly to rectify customer orders by sending out new shipments, even if that meant losing hundreds of thousands of dollars due to shipping delays that the company itself was not at fault for. This resilience and dedication to customer satisfaction is what has helped FlexPro grow from a small commissary into the large meal prep competitor that it is today.
Part of FlexPro’s adaptability has been thanks to an overhaul in its customer service system. “We don’t always get it right, but we’ll make it right,” says Corn. If a customer encounters an issue with their food, FlexPro has made it easy for them to get in touch with the company, thanks to a streamlined Zendesk Support Omni Channel. By revamping their entire customer service interface, FlexPro customers can easily be contacted through direct texts, social media support, and can always be assured that missed or damaged shipments are refunded. “It’s a great improvement,” says Corn. “The average ticket resolution time is under fifteen hours.” Ultimately, FlexPro believes that any money it spends in correcting mistakes is easily made up for in improved customer satisfaction. According to FlexPro, its reputation with its customers is just as important as the quality of its products, and it believes that good service will ultimately lead to greater awareness and loyalty to FlexPro in the long run.
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