From $7 to 7 Figures: How Eric McNeil Used His Entrepreneurial Spirit to Make the Most of Challenging Situations

All it takes is an idea, and an unrelenting desire to see it through.

That’s what Financial Planner and E-Commerce Automator Eric McNeil did to take himself from the standard 9 to 5 to owning his own agencies.

After years in the financial industry, McNeil decided he needed a major life change.

McNeil teamed up with his brother to figure out how to turn a profit with side hustles. They stumbled across drop shipping, a newer retail fulfillment method where a store purchases an item from a third party who is responsible for shipping the products directly to the customer.

McNeil instantly started doing research, spending countless nights researching how dropshipping works. The brothers embarked on a new journey of educating themselves on dropshipping through courses and reaching out to networks of people who were experienced in the side hustle. As their dropshipping side business started gaining traction, COVID-19 hit.

While the pandemic slowed down their progress with dropshipping, it couldn’t beat their entrepreneurial spirits. Instead of giving up, they found a new angle. They picked up Amazon and Walmart automation — and their profits skyrocketed.

McNeil started to create storefronts for clients which allowed them to become third party sellers. He builds storefronts and uploads all the products on their behalf so the client can make passive income. Not only does he create those storefronts, but he also handles shipping, returns and customer service. It’s a hands-off process for the client, which makes their job easier and increases McNeil’s value.

He continues to turn impressive profits with high-paying clients who appreciate his services.

From not making six figures in a year, to six figures every month, McNeil shows what an idea can turn into with a little knowledge and a whole lot of determination.

More About Eric McNeil

Originally from Arizona, Eric McNeil always had an entrepreneurial spirit. When he was 21, he only had about $10 to his name but was determined to start his life by securing a job.  He left home and rode his dad’s bike to Wells Fargo for a series of interviews. After securing a job at the financial services company, he began to work his way through the banking industry.

After finding out that his own father never had a plan for retirement, he made it his mission to make one for both his parents. This inspired him to pursue a career in financial planning. He worked his way through licensing, became a Financial Advisor, moved to Utah and started Diamond Financial Group, a financial planning and insurance agency.

Between moving to Utah and starting his financial agency, he started doing Amazon and Walmart Automation, a side hustle that turned unimaginable profits. He continues to run both businesses, growing his network and building wealth for himself.

If you’re looking for expert-level financial planning and insurance expertise (or another entrepreneur to schedule a virtual coffee chat), reach out to Eric McNeil.

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