“Most likely to be successful.” That’s what Hunter Cetta’s classmates thought of him by the time he graduated from high school. But before then, he was just another kid from a lower-class family, bouncing around from school to school and getting bullied along the way. By the time he finally settled into high school and acquired a group of friends to support him, Cetta had a uniquely open-minded view of the world around him, which has continued to propel him towards success.
This isn’t another “all I do is win” story and if anybody informs you that their timeline is just a never-ending series of significant wins and accomplishments, run the other way because success doesn’t sprout from winning all the time. It comes from failing, learning, adapting, and growing. Hunter pursued a college degree, but his heart wasn’t in it, so he dropped out. He started and grew a few side hustles, but they ultimately collapsed around him. While he did find a few friends in early adulthood, he lost himself to alcohol for a while trying to “fit in.”’
A New Beginning
All of this is to say that it’s not without a struggle that Cetta experienced success. Ultimately, he managed to be committed to a lifestyle of routines and leaned into perseverance and passion to keep his mindset on the right path. He spoke to us and said: “I am dedicated to constant growth – growth for myself, my entrepreneurial ventures, my connections, and my community.”
Fast forward since high school, you’ll find him happier and healthier than ever. After learning about himself with help from a mentor, and nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit within, He was able to achieve more than anybody could’ve expected from the high school. Daily, he is lucky enough to manage a Public Relations agency with two mentors, dedicate himself to wellness routines that keep the mind clear and heart on fire, and take care of his family in more ways than he can count. This modern lifestyle allows him to do what he is passionate about – helping brands and businesses get featured in some of the top publications in the world through value-driven press releases.
Consistency Is Key
We’ve all heard it before, people say “you can achieve anything you put your mind to,” but who genuinely believes it? The truth is, it takes more than just hard work to develop and achieve your goals in life. While there is no secret formula, there are a few strategies he recommends. Stay true to who you are, don’t compromise on your values. Ever. You don’t have to prove anyone wrong or right, sometimes it’s okay to be selfish and work hard for yourself. Wake up early and offer yourself the gift of a routine. Whether that means exercise, reading, meditation, a nutritious breakfast, phone-free time with loved ones, or all of the above, set boundaries for yourself and follow them. If you can’t invest in your own wellbeing, how can you invest in the wellbeing of others or your business? Lastly, build loyal and genuine connections with mentors and leaders who inspire and admire you. Mentor others, and construct a network that allows you to grow and share alongside some of the best and brightest in your industry.
Most likely to be successful? Maybe. Most likely to be happy? Definitely.
You can contact him on Instagram @HunterCetta for more information!
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