People are living in a world where social media platforms are already prevalent. If in the past, these platforms were only meant to reconnect family and friends who are apart because of their geographical distance, social media platforms are already a means for businesses to target their target market for influencers to build a following.
Because of the vast information available in social media, you have to stand out to be noticed and one of the most viable ways to do so is to leverage custom fonts. This article focuses on how you will be able to level up your social media bios with these custom fonts.
Where To Find Custom Fonts
One of the primary things that you need to do to level up your social media bios with custom fonts is to know where to find these fonts, to begin with. The creative font enthusiasts behind suggest that you look into different font generators online to get you started.
With these tools, all you need to do is to enter the text you want to add in your bio and pick a custom font. From there, you will already be able to copy your converted text over to your social media bio. Just be selective in choosing the tool you end up using because some are easier to navigate compared to others.
You also have to keep in mind that certain custom fonts can cause accessibility issues for some of your users. This can be attributed to the fact that some screen readers cannot interpret them accordingly.
In this case, you may want to consider adding alt text on your images or closed captioning (CC) in your stories or even think about having an additional caption in plain font below the custom font. These elements will make sure that your post and bio are accessible to all users regardless of the device that they are using.
How To Add Custom Fonts In Your Bio
To add custom fonts in your bio, the first thing you need to do is to leverage a font generator to find a font that will command your attention. From there, copy and paste the font in your bio, or even in your captions, comments, and other descriptions. More often than not, you will be able to do this through the Edit Profile button on your profile page.
In Instagram, in case you want to add a custom font to the posts that you are scheduling, you need to use the Later feature. Its caption editor will automatically retain any custom font that you added previously. The next time you schedule or make a post, you will already have the custom font available. This will tend to increase your productivity as you can write a whole week’s worth of captions in a single seating.
Best Practices
One of the primary things that you need to carefully consider in using a custom font for your bio is its aesthetic appeal. This means that you have to pick your fonts carefully because even the most basic ones may have a certain connotation.
In this case, make sure that the font you select is aligned with your theme or with the theme of the brand that you are trying to establish. For instance, if you are advocating modern simplicity, then make sure to go for minimalist fonts. On the other hand, if you are trying to portray femininity, then your best option is to go for italicized script fonts.
Another thing that you need to consider when using custom fonts is how you use them. As much as possible, you have to use custom fonts sparingly because too much of it may look and feel spammy.
As a result, rather than creating a positive appeal to a user, your custom font may lessen the impact. In this case, you can save the use of custom fonts for your call to action buttons, headers, or parts of your text that you want to emphasize.
Finally, the custom font you select should be legible enough for your readers to understand. Keep in mind that certain fonts prove to be too difficult to read. Others may look good on a desktop, but they can be inaccessible on mobile devices. As soon as you have found the perfect font to use, make sure to be consistent in its use because this can strengthen your branding, building a sense of familiarity with your readers.
To spruce up your social media bios, you can always incorporate custom fonts to make you stand out. You just have to exert the effort to find these custom fonts and take the time to add them accordingly in your bio. Make sure to follow the best practices in doing so because this will pave the way for your bio to be unique or stand out from the rest rather than otherwise.
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