Social media has become one of the most potent methods to expand reach for any business today. And ever since we have been locked up at our homes, people prefer to find everything on the internet which has led to widespread competition, therefore now we have scores of businesses making inroads in almost every possible segment, henceforth it is only when the business is strategically optimized by social networking sites that one can properly leverage the potential of the online market.
It has been observed that since founders have so much to do when they setup their brand, they mostly are not very well versed with the algorithms of different social media platforms which may look the same from the outside, but have distinct features and marketing tactics, which if deployed effectively, can channelize the audience towards one’s website.
Having mastered this concept and being experts in the field of social media marketing and management, Nikhil Darji and Ahmad Tariq rolled out their holistic digital business marketing solutions website three years ago and have since then helped scores of businesses small and wide, Indian and International in gaining authority over their social media platforms.
Their vision, NotchWeb has been the top choice of their clients ever since they began working with them and have lead to a win-win situation at times when the internet dictates who will stay in any market.
Sharing his experience by far, Mr. Ahmad Tariq says,”Social media is so powerful that people are making fortunes today by just selling virtual services and digital products, the e-commerce market has also flourished and till now, I haven’t come across one business who has reached heights in this decade without using social media”.
“We have seen and experienced how businesses are developed from scratch, simply by using SEO, social media marketing and a step-by-step approach, almost every business generate more times in revenue as compared to what they spend on digital marketing tools, so why wouldn’t people vouch for it, it’s simply the best deal so far”, Mr. Nikhil Darji proclaims.
SMM had opened doors to businesses who are marred by constraints of location, today, people are buying goods from remote vendors online, because they are being marketed properly to their target customers.
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