An FCC filing was published last week showing Google plans to test wireless broadband technology in 24 U.S. locations. Google has been moving towards a wireless-transmission technology on the 3.5-GHz band and away from fiber pipes. Right now, they are testing the technology in Kansas City. In addition, the FCC filing shows that Google wants to expand their tests to Nebraska, North Carolina, Utah, California, Colorado and Virginia, over the next two years.
A Google spokesman said, “We are working to test the viability of a wireless network that relies on newly available spectrum. The project is in early stages today, but we hope this technology can one day help deliver more abundant Internet access to customers.” If the FCC approves their request, this might mean cheaper Internet.
Moreover, Google acquired gigabit provider Webpass in June of 2016. It was in June of 2012 that Google Fiber made its debut, providing 1 gigabit Internet access and TV service in Kansas City, Austin, Atlanta, Nashville and Provo. Google Fiber is not yet available in San Jose, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale, Mountain View or Palo Alto because Google wants to look into cities where it would cost less to implement.
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