Annie Luong from Vietnam, currently residing in the Los Angeles, has started a great initiative called Green Light to help others like her. Due to her personal experience, Luong was left with no choice but to create a platform where people like her residing in America can seek help and know about their rights.
Annie Luong loved the US since her childhood days. She was fascinated by the idea that women there receive education and people have the freedom to speak their minds. This is something she felt was missing during her childhood. So at the age of 17, Annie decided to move there, and well, she did.
At the age of 17, Annie landed in California and fell more in love with its beauty. But her happiness couldn’t last long as she immediately witnessed the difference in treatment with her because she hailed from another country.
Annie Luong shares, “I love everything about America except the part that not everyone is treated the same way because of their origin, beliefs, values etc.”
She added, “Just like many others, I was not motivated to take any actions. I’ve got pulled over many times and received horrified treatments from the law enforcement because of my Asian flush. I got sick to my stomach to realise others like me have also got treated differently because of their origin, ethicality and belief.”
The Green Light founder believes that everyone should be treated with respect and dignity. She always wanted to come to the US for that reason. She wants more and more people to join the initiative and raise their voice against such unfair treatment towards others.
Annie Luong says, “I know I have a mission because most of my friends were denied the privilege to be in America while I am here. A country of choices and freedom. We can do it, but we need some help. I know we can make the changes one day at a time. I am confident America is for all of us. But, I can’t do it alone.”
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