The ways that the dietary supplement AHCC boosts immunity response has been thoroughly studied worldwide. This mushroom-based substance continues to be examined at a near steady pace due to the improved health and disease-fighting capabilities that scientists hope they will find. The fantastic amount of immune support that has been documented by hundreds of exhaustive studies is very encouraging.
The helpful dietary supplement that can support your body in its constant battle with the disease is made from shiitake and other edible mushrooms used in cuisines for centuries – especially in Japan’s cuisine. Native to East Asia, the shiitake mushroom is rich in umami. They can be found in nature around the base of decaying hardwood trees. The spores of shiitake mushrooms are readily available impregnated in specially chosen mycelium substrates for those who are adventurous enough to attempt to grow a mushroom garden. Otherwise, the extracted AHCC component of these fantastic mushrooms can be found in easy to swallow capsule form, as well.
Supporting Cytokine Production
Cytokines are a category of body proteins that affect the immune system in several ways. These protein-based signal cells include interferon, interleukin, lymphokines, and tumor necrosis factors. They are similar in function to hormones but are not functionally the same. Among other things, cytokines regulate the maturation, growth, and responsiveness of specific cell populations – mainly those of immune response, response to traumatic injury, response to sepsis, response to cancerous cell growth, and specific reproductive system functions.
Supporting Large Granular Lymphocyte Production
These cells, also known as Natural Killer, or NK cells, are essential in the immune response that vertebrate mammals have when the body is invaded by virus cells. Like T-Cells and B-lymphocytes’ function, these cells are vital in that they are responsible for antigen-specific immunological memory or the body’s ability to form an immune response to a virus it has encountered before (acquired immunity).
Supporting Macrophage Production
Macrophages are giant white blood cells that can fight infection and release cytokine. This chemical trigger alerts other white blood cells to attack foreign, disease-causing invaders within the human body. Macrophages emerge from blood monocytes that differentiate in different tissues into different types of cells geared toward immunity. Macrophages are unique in their function in that they can engulf and essentially remove foreign bacteria and other pathogens in a process called phagocytosis.
Supporting Dendritic Cell Formation
Dendritic cells occur in mammals and are vital in telling immature cells that are not fully formed what to become to serve the organism’s immune system best. They essentially provide messages to early-stage forming cells to allow the body to produce the kinds of cells it needs to fight foreign cells like those that eventually illness or potentially death. It is thought that AHCC supports the body’s production of these cells, thus keeping the immune system through the production of its basic building blocks.
Support of T Lymphocyte Production
T Lymphocytes, or T-Cells, are white blood cells that team up with B-Cells to determine the specific type of cellular response the immune system needs to combat distinct foreign bodies such as bacterial and viral cells the body’s intricate system of fighting disease. T-Cells are formed initially in the bone marrow, and they then travel to the thymus gland where the stem type precursor T-cell is differentiated into various pathogen fighting white blood cells.
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