Earning seven figures in revenue since lockdown began is an extraordinary feat, yet this is precisely what a 25-year-old Bailey Knight did with his two-year-old dropshipping business. Thanks to being an expert marketing and branding genius, he was able to get more people to his store instead of his competitors getting them. This lead to him thriving during a time when many are struggling.
Knight wasn’t always this successful, but he always had a success mindset. He dreamed of being his own boss, being able to work from anywhere in the world, and having the sky be the limit on how much he could earn. This was all finally possible once he dived into the world of dropshipping.
When he was 23 years old, he saw a man named Jay, who later became a good friend, achieve success with e-commerce. As someone who has always wanted to achieve financial freedom, he saw dropshipping as the way to do so.
Jay became something or a mentor for him, showing him what he did, what worked, and what didn’t. Once they joined forces, they were able to take things to new heights. It did take some hard work in the beginning, especially considering Knight still had a day job. However, pretty soon, things became established enough that he felt comfortable quitting that job and focusing all of his time and energy on the new business.
Today, Knight has two businesses, as well as the one joint business he runs with his business partner Jay. During the pandemic, consumer shopping habits shifted online, which ended up being a major boon for Knight. Since he had already established his business beforehand, he had a bit of a leg up.
Staying motivated is easy for Knight because he has already achieved immense success in a short period of time. Also, he is motivated by the freedom he enjoys from being his own boss and having a location-independent business he could run from anywhere in the world.
Putting in hard work in the beginning led to him having to spend very little time on it these days. This has freed up time for him to travel the world to places like Bali, Dubai, Kuala Lumpur, and the United States.
Being able to push through obstacles and keep grinding away helped cement Bailey’s success with dropshipping. This is a highly saturated ecommerce space today that requires a solid understanding of how branding and digital marketing are done to capture the attention of a target audience.
The success Knight has unlocked can be an inspiration to other aspiring entrepreneurs who want to achieve financial freedom and have the ability to work from anywhere in the world.
Knight enjoys inspiring other would-be entrepreneurs and offers some motivational content online. If you want to become inspired by this successful entrepreneur, then you can follow Bailey on his Instagram page and keep up with the latest from him.
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