How Chelsea Mimms Mastered Versatility in Entrepreneurship

Chelsea J. Mimms, an entrepreneur who was born and brought up in Niagara Falls, Ontario Canada. She is a 25-year-old influencer on YouTube and Instagram with 17K subscribers and 47K followers. She completed her education in Bachelor of Arts – French Studies. Besides, content creating she is fond of travelling and fashion. She is married and a mother of a sweet baby girl.


Life-changing moments for Chelsea

She started with her career when she was 18 years old. Being a hard-working girl she has managed her path and faced her share of hardships too. She had recently lost a loved one and didn’t know what she wanted to take in university. That was when she started her YouTube channel and it took time to realize that she had a passion for content creating. Chelsea was scared of what others would say and hid her creative outlet for a long time before revealing her channel. “It took me a while to realize that the people I want in my life should support me and whatever I choose to do. So that’s when I decided to go for it”, Chelsea said.


How Chelsea sees her career being an Influencer 

Chelsea has always been someone who loved watching YouTube and learning new things. “When I was in high school I would always recommend products, teach my friends new hairstyles and would usually be ahead of the trends. I would constantly be repeating myself to people on the same topics. One day I decided to start a YouTube channel thinking maybe other people would want to know these things as well.” She initially didn’t tell her friends about her YouTube channel but gradually she realised that it will help her gain more people to her channel. YouTube was one first big step towards her career. YouTube. “It takes a lot of work & although I enjoy editing sometimes it’s hard to keep up on, especially when I was in university, that’s when I got more into Instagram and now I’m able to do both,” Chelsea said


What Chelsea looks forward to

Chelsea’s exact plans for her influencing career aren’t exactly laid out just yet. One thing she does know is “I just love to help and share any knowledge I have in hopes to inspire, help or entertain someone else. We are all on our journey and it is so important to uplift others, share what we know and live each day without fear of what others will say”, Chelsea remarked.

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