Chatbots are proving effective for all industries, not just technology. This includes the legal world. People are now able to chat with a lawyer online- for free- by initiating a chat with a virtual legal assistant. However, bots are nowhere near to replacing a real lawyer.
Therefore, bots are intended to be used to enhance the work of lawyers– not take over from them. By offering certain tools, such as automating administrative and financial tasks and automating client services, time is saved that can best be spent elsewhere. Ultimately, providing a better service to your clients (and earning you more money). Here is an examination of the benefits of chatbots for lawyers and how to set up your legal chatbot with SnatchBot.
Benefits of Using Bots for Lawyers
There are numerous ways to implement bots that will help your clients. You are able to feed it copious amounts of legal information so that it is able to answer clients’ (and potential clients’) questions more accurately.
Benefits of bots include the ability to build personalized customer relationships between lawyer and client. Through this, you will increase both engagement and effectiveness. This is because studies show that campaigns with personalized messaging are 12x more effective than email for remarketing.
Here are some ways in which AI is expected to be used in the legal field in the near future:
Arranging Meetings with Clients
Acquiring all the information needed about the client can be the most tedious and time-consuming task for lawyers- albeit essential. With a dedicated chatbot lawyer, you could learn everything about each client’s case without spending too much time with them on the phone or exchanging emails. From here, you are able to determine which lawyer will suit the particular case best, and provide all information to that lawyer instantly thanks to the bots.
Provide Quick Legal Advice
Clients can now initiate a chat concerning legal issues and get all the needed answers in a matter of seconds. This may concern topics such as financial services legal questions, legal rights or wanting more information about a specific law. The fact that the chatbot can offer a 24-hour service is their best feature, according to 64% of internet users.
Gathering Data for Content Ideas
If you run a legal blog on your website, AI can help give you content ideas. Through the use of advanced AI algorithms and the ability to sift through vast amounts of data, the bots are able to conduct legal research and gather ideas for relevant content. You can take it a step further and use the bots to gather information from your online legal chat queries. Thereby creating content that your clients are searching for exactly.
Automating Lead Generation
Lead generation always starts with some sort of interaction. Your legal chatbot can be set up to help you generate leads. In combination with a good AI, chatbots play a big part in guiding a lead towards conversion.
AI has become incredibly useful for lawyers as it is able to resolve minor legal issues with the client and even go as far as to determine when the conversation should be handed over to a real life lawyer.
Examples of Legal Chatbots
Chatbots are being implemented in the legal field around the globe. There are numerous examples currently operating today but some include:
DoNotPay chatbot (also known as the world’s first robot lawyer) which can help you find hidden money, cancel free trials, and resolve other legal issues.
Ailiria is another example as it is an AI legal research assistant that provides free chatbot legal counsel. It is constantly learning to provide more accurate answers to clients in terms of business structuring, quick legal advice, and more.
Setting Up a Legal Chatbot with SnatchBot
SnatchBot is one of the leading chatbot platforms on the market today- regardless of the industry. To create you bot, you do not need to be an advanced coder. With SnatchBot, users can create a free AI lawyer in just a matter of minutes.
Simply create an account, log on and get building. SnatchBot lays out all the steps for you all the way from registration to publishing your bot on SnatchBot’s Directory. However, it is advised to take some time to plan your chatbot strategy. A tip from Henri Benezra and Avi Benezra (of the SnatchBot team) is to create a strategy that is able to effectively solve a specific problem or genuinely improve productivity and overall efficiency of your firm. As Avi stated, “The planning phase of a chatbot strategy is the most essential part. By effectively analyzing what needs to be achieved for your target market, your chatbots can be implemented in a way that will result in a profitable ROI.”
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