The Bottled Water industry has been dominated by names like Dasani, Evian, and local brands, but BE WATER, owned by Greene Concepts, is the first of its kind. Created to be a healthy artisan drink sourced in the Blue Ridge mountains, their business partnerships have drastic changes to the industry. Greene Concepts has raised the expectations for product quality and corporate social responsibility across the entire industry with an expanse of new products and high customer demand.
Over the years, there have been numerous water companies that have attracted millions of people, but none like BE WATER. Water supplies around the country, specifically in California, have become extremely limited in terms of the amount available to consumers. Greene Concepts saw this as an opportunity, and the interest in their product skyrocketed with good reason.
Greene Concepts’ BE WATER is a brand that is entirely different from others in the industry. Unlike other competitors, BE WATER is a healthy beverage that promises its customers that the water restores cells, boosts energy, and helps people feel refreshed. Sourced in the Blue Ridge mountains, this artisan water has proven to be a unique product with few competitors. Out of all the testimonials available on their company web page and affiliated e-commerce sites, everyone states that the water is “better than they have ever tasted before.”
On the first day that Greene Concepts placed BE WATER on Amazon, the entirety of their inventory was sold out. After recently acquiring Mammoth Ventures Inc., they have opened up their production and allowed for even more of their BE WATER to be produced for sales. With a larger plant and even more capital, they will expand their company even further, allowing for even more success in the coming years for all of their products.
Yet, even though BE WATER is just another artisan water brand, they have begun to change the game. The acquisition of companies like Mammoth Ventures, Inc. demonstrates that Greene Concepts wants to make their product available nationwide. Finalized details on a joint venture with a Colorado kombucha company allows BE WATER to expand westward. Additionally, they have even begun to expand their product base, partnering with Lucky Soul Inc. to help produce even more healthy beverages for their customers. It’s clear that to Greene Concepts, water is just the start of their future success.
The bottled water industry is being transformed by companies like Greene Concepts that see water as the start to a whole host of healthy lifestyle products. Now, BE WATER is sold alongside health beverages like kombucha and SOULTOX, which produce all-natural mineral water that aids in detoxing the body. More so than the message that BE WATER is communicating through the joint ventures, they are also making a social statement within the industry.
The joint venture with SOULTOX and BE WATER makes them one of the only black-owned companies within the bottled water industry. For Vinnie Merrill of SOULTOX, this is increasingly important to diversify the industry and give back to the community. Their goal as a joint venture is to donate a percentage of their revenue to underprivileged communities, genuinely making their rejuvenating product a way to give back to those who suffered greatly, especially during 2020. They are truly setting a high standard in the bottled water industry in terms of product, corporate social responsibility, and ownership diversity.
To purchase any of their products and learn more about Greene Concepts, Feel free to follow them on Instagram or check out their website to hear more about BE WATER and Greene Concepts!
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