As a woman in the 21st century, one is able to do more, and be more. Women often bear many responsibilities, both at home and in the workplace, and it’s easy to feel alone and overwhelmed with the frustrations of living paycheck to paycheck. For women, it’s important to always maintain physical, mental, and even financial wellness.
Lakiah Bankston, a mental health therapist, is on a mission to help millennial women, like herself, explore mental and financial wellness options to live a better, and more fulfilling life. She helps women develop themselves financially to help decrease stress in life.
As a therapist, Lakiah has realized that the main stressor for women is lack of financial literacy. She helps women strengthen their mental wellness and build generational wealth to decrease these stressors.
When reviewing research studies, Lakiah learned that stress from debt caused people to be three times more likely to develop mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. That’s why through her business, Money and Mental Health, she is able to help millennial women from all over learn various ways to increase their income and personally develop to strengthen their mental health.
With today’s uncertain times and rampant unemployment, having multiple sources of income is an important asset. The connection between mental health and money has never been stronger, and money is essential to various areas of our lives.
In the spirit of helping other women, Lakiah has partnered with a global collective that helps women gain access to an affordable education platform, where they learn the profitable skill set of investing and starting their own ecommerce business. This global collective, Rich Girls Trade, has helped thousands of women in over 50 different countries!
Everyone benefits when women tap into their power and live up to their fullest potential, and that’s what Lakiah loves about her work. As more women are becoming aware of the link between money and mental health, they are now becoming champions for financial wellness and dominating the investing space. Self-care can only be possible when one puts themselves first, and that involves stepping out on faith and getting out of their comfort zones.
Lakiah aims to break the negative stigma around money and mental health. She shows women that it’s possible to have more and be more, so they can better take care of themselves, their family, and communities. She does this by empowering them to learn how to invest and create passive income to live the life they deserve and be able to impact others as well.
Through her Money and Mental Health initiative, Lakiah is grateful for the education and support she has been given by her mentors. And she considers it a privilege to pay it forward by showing others how to take the first step to financial freedom. Moreover, you are able to collaborate with empowered women of the same growth mindset. You’ll be educated with relevant and accurate information by master educators and have exclusive access to mindset mentorship with Bob Proctor, to help you jumpstart your own journey.
Being part of this women’s wealth group helps you focus on both mental wellness and building wealth. Once you learn to make money work for you instead of the other way around, you get to live life on your terms. This platform simplifies the investing and ecommerce skillset, and that is why so many are profitable and seeing amazing results.
Lakiah is empowering women more than ever, helping them build their financial empire with a positive mindset.
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