Rachel Luna, famously known as the Texas Title Queen, is the principal of Patriot Title, a title real estate business. Having already established a reputable name for herself and her company, Luna is making waves through her work by transforming an antiquated industry with her polished appearance and fabulous personality.
Her revolutionary approach to real estate and her passion for giving others opportunities is commendable. Having said that, it is her story that serves as a paragon of the “self-made” businesswoman that can truly inspire us all to strive for more.
Luna’s humble beginnings established her foundation of setting goals to always want more for herself. Raised in an impoverished Mexican American household, she was often referred to as the “poor kid” by her fellow peers in school.
Being very money conscious at a young age, Luna was aware of the class differences that existed between her and her friends, aware of the fact that to have nice things and live a comfortable life unlike the one she had growing up, she would have to become a hustler.
After graduating from high school, Luna worked in a receptionist position for a mortgage company while also working in the service industry and attending school. Through strategic networking and a tendency to ask questions, she landed within the title business.
From there on, Luna started to work her way up the corporate ladder, demanding her earned respect at each step. Today, she is a powerful force and runs one of the largest women-owned real estate title agencies in Texas, helping families with the home buying process.
However, Luna’s path to success was filled with hurdles she had to defeat. Before establishing her own title company, she was often told she would never be able to make it within the industry with her own business. Luna turned the discouragement and harsh criticism into her catalyst. “My focus is to be the best and to be number one. The why behind the work that I do is because they told me that I couldn’t.”
Although she approached the business with a fierce mindset, Luna admittedly also suffered from self-doubt during the initial stage of launching her company. Having sold most of her assets to support her business, she recalls starting to question herself around year two when she was earning an average salary while also carrying the burden of the stress of being a business owner.
Luna wondered whether the path she was on was the one she was destined for, especially when she felt that she could earn the same salary working at another company and make more wealth through her lucrative side businesses. To overcome the self-doubt, Luna reminded herself that if she perseveres, she will prevail.
“I had to recharge and reaffirm myself that this is what I wanted to do. It was what I prayed and manifested for, and I had to stick to my vision,” she emphasizes. Like any self-made story, before the success had to come the sacrifice.
Being a fairly new company, Luna had to not only demand respect for herself as a real estate leader within title, but earn respect for her company’s reputation as well. Her more successful peers were predominately male, and getting them to respect what she established was a unique obstacle in itself.
The lack of opportunity and respect was a challenge, but centering her focus and taking control of her narrative and the way she is perceived is one of the keys to how Luna has established herself as a reputable entrepreneur.
“If I wake up and feel uncentered, I make sure to center my mind and focus,” she explains. One piece of advice she can offer to other entrepreneurs is to always have a solution-driven mindset. “I have trained myself not to react to situations but to respond. I take control and have the discipline to create solutions instead of creating bigger problems.”
On the topic of creating opportunities for herself, Luna has always felt the responsibility of creating opportunities for others within her industry. To go into title insurance, you do not necessarily “need a college degree to make good money,” rather knowledge and hands-on training, which is not as accessible.
In June, Luna, along with the executives in her company, are set to open the first title and escrow institute in Texas to counter this problem and provide formal education. The institute will hire professionals within title, auditors in insurance, and underwriters to educate students.
Opening this institute may put Luna’s personal brand and company under the microscope by other real estate professionals since it is the first of its kind and will need to have a valid curriculum. However, Luna also strongly believes that this is the right move to make for her career, for she is no longer just running a prestigious company but is also extending opportunities to others with potential that no one else is offering.
“I love that I can give this opportunity to people who are ambitious and eager to learn something to better themselves. Someone gave me an opportunity in this business, and because of that, I can extend the same to others who need to learn professional business skills for their career,” states Luna.
In addition to opening up an institute, Luna is also working on innovating laws and disclosures with her underwriters to secure title insurance when accepting cryptocurrency as a form of payment for real estate transactions.
Luna wants to ensure that crypto that is exchanged is FDIC-insured money and is seen as a cash transaction. The process will also guarantee that there is no liability when granting title insurance and that the title companies are protected as well when working with unregulated money.
The current work she has done during this process is not only an indicator of how she is modernizing her industry but also showcases how crypto will continuously transform the world.
Instagram: @racheltexastitlequeen
Facebook: Rachel Luna Texas Title Queen.
YouTube: Rachel Luna Title Queen!
Written by Noor Abid
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