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Most business owners I talk to about their visibility on social media complain that they get no results from their activities. But when I audit their social media channels I see that they fail to follow some basic but important steps to achieve social media presence that SELLS.
There are three steps of paramount importance a business must take in order to get the results they expect from their social media marketing. When I started to grow my personal brand on Facebook in 2017, these were the steps that helped me achieve results faster and more effectively than most people who attempt the same thing.
Would you like to know what they are?
1. Create Connections
Being active on Social Media does not mean just posting something every day. The most important thing to focus on when you are starting to build your visibility is expanding your connections and creating relationships with the new connections.
Sending out friend requests to strangers does not feel easy to many people. The good news is that you know you need to be seen by people in order to help them with your service or products, so you understand how important it is to be seen by as many people as possible.
Therefore, my advice to you: do not take this personally! You have a responsibility to reach those who need you and, by sending people you do not know friend requests, you are only expanding the possibility for those of them who do need you to discover that help is available right here!
The truth is that not everyone will accept and not everyone will reply to you. And this again is good news! Those who do reply are more likely to check out your profile (which should already be highly optimised for client attraction – click here to learn more about it). So when they check out your profile, some of them will feel the pull towards you and your content – those are the ones who can turn into real leads for your business. Not all of them, of course, but some of them 100% will!
It is all about looking at expanding your connections as a funnel. In a funnel, a lot comes in, but not as much comes out on the narrow end. So in order to increase the number of hot leads coming out of that profile funnel at the bottom, you need to add so much more to the top of it! A very simple and clear concept! Plus, when you run ads from your Business Page asking to like your page, isn’t it the same thing you are doing? It is just less effective as you are hiding behind your business, and people love doing business with people, not a company name or a logo. Keep that in mind whatever you do!
2. Create Relationships
This is the step that causes even more resistance with most business owners. They think if they spend time on creating content that this is all that is required.
I understood very early in my journey that a “Build It & They Come” attitude does not work in the 21st century. Attraction marketing that sounds so appealing has an element that gurus conveniently keep to themselves most of the time.
It is so easy to create a website, a Facebook page, or a LinkedIn Profile, that there is almost no barrier to entry for competing in the online space. Competing not just amongst your direct competitors with the service or product you offer, but competing with absolutely every banner, every notification, and every post for the most precious human asset – their attention!
So I like saying “Build It & Then Go Fetch Them”
“Fetching” means actively reaching out to create relationships with your connections in two powerful ways that separately do not have such a powerful impact as when combined strategically for client attraction. They are creating authentic and transparent content that is focused on getting the right audience to resonate with you, and talking to people on a one-to-one basis through messenger. Sometimes, the conversations create curiosity, and they discover how great your content is (for them). Sometimes, they engage with your posts first and then this transcends into a private conversation.
Either way, it is the combination of content and personal conversation that creates the best leads for your business or enthusiastic ambassadors for your brand.
3. Plan Ahead
The most important difference between those who try and those who try and succeed is simply in their staying power. But the biggest difficulty with being consistent is not having a good plan to follow.
Planning is a problem if you are a bit like me.
I love being inspired to connect and to create my content, but early in my journey, I often hit the wall simply because I did not know what to do next. And this would make me “hide” and not be there all the time in the eyes and minds of my audience. Throw in the short attention span, and two weeks of silence mean you are almost starting from scratch – there is just too much information online and too many other faces to rely upon a belief that you are still making an impact.
But, on the other hand, what stops most from planning is a fear that they are forced to but will not stick to this set plan. It feels a bit scary to sit down and plan a year of content ahead.
The eye-opener for me was the realisation that adjusting your course as you go is OK. But having that plan helps me stay focused and stay on track with my content. And this offers me a bigger picture, as my content plan is aligned with my business goals ahead.
So these are the three steps that helped me stay consistent, stay on track, and build my visibility, so my online business started making sales of my pieces of training and getting coaching clients in just three months from the day I started.
So if you want to get your results fast, this is a formula you should stick to:
Connect –> Build relationships through conversations and great content combined –>Plan ahead to stay on track (adjust when necessary).
Click here to download the 20-minutes daily action plan that will help you achieve the consistency on social media that brings real results in less time.
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