Pedram Nematzadeh, known as PED1NE, is a household name in the club music industry. While he is known to many for his musical career, his financial genius that made him a millionaire at a very young age is unbeknownst to many. “I started very poor,” says PED1NE. “I migrated from Iran to Turkey to follow my dream of becoming a world-renowned DJ early in my 20s.”
While my family supported me financially as much as they could, they could not support me all the way through. All I knew was that I had one dream and was not going to give up on it, so I began to look for ways to make money. I was an amateur photographer in Iran and I started working as a photographer at first.”
PED1NE goes on to say that he made a fake resume for himself and went around introducing himself as a professional wedding photographer. “You know what they say, fake it to make it,” says PED1NE. “I would go to photography studios and show my made-up portfolio and ask them to hire me. Some did, and others did not. I was able to book some weddings and by the grace of God the photos turned out well, and I got paid in the end”, says PED1NE while laughing.”
PED1NE explains that his path to becoming financially independent as a DJ was never easy. But he believes he has a few tips that would help anyone who wants to earn a comfortable living being a DJ or musician in general:
1. Find your dream and describe it in detail.
He believes you cannot get anywhere in life if you don’t know where you are going. “I knew from a very young age that a music career was all I wanted,” says PED1NE.
2. Picture yourself as an ultimate success in your mind and see how it feels. Practice that feeling time and again.
“The path to success in anything in life is always hard and, at times, frustrating,” says PED1NE. “You need something to push you through hard times. Seeing yourself as you have already achieved your dreams can give you the motivation to move forward.”
3. Read as many books as you can on the path to success.
“If you have not already achieved success in your field, it might be because you have not yet learned what it takes to become successful in your field,” says PED1NE. “Read as many books as you can on the subject of being successful in life and your career and soon you will learn what you need to do to become financially successful in your field. The book that helped me a great deal was Getting Rich Your Own Way by Brian Tracy. I have lost count of how many times I have read it.”
4. Don’t sell yourself short in your resume, but don’t lie either.
“I started with fake resumes. But I was capable of doing everything that I put in it was I given the chance to prove my capabilities.”
5. Your dream career gig will not look for you; you have to look for it.
“I have lost count about how many clubs and bars I went to and pitched myself as a DJ before booking my first gig. It could be frustrating when you pitch yourself to many people and you will not get the job. But all you need is that one person who does.”
6. Work at least twice as hard as you expect to get paid.
“The most important lesson I learned from Brian Tracy was that you must pay the price of success in full and in advance. If you expect to earn a specific sum of money, work so hard as if you are working for two people hired for that same position.”
7. Start small and save.
“When I first started, I didn’t even have the necessary equipment to work as a DJ. I had to borrow a turntable from a friend since I did not have one. I started small and saved as much money I could before I was able to spend as much as I could.”
8. Keep on going and never stop.
“Nothing good in life ever comes easy,” says PED1NE. “You have to work for your dreams nonstop. And you should always grow and expand yourself. In my musical career, I always like to challenge myself to create something far greater than what I made two years ago.”
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