There are tons of talented beings working across different industries and sectors of the world, out of which a few of them make sure to cross boundaries and spellbound people with their innate talents and skills in all that they choose to do in their respective industries and niches.
These individuals, mainly from the younger brigade, are those who exceed limits and put in every possible effort to turn their goals and aspirations into reality. Doing that in the music realm is one such young singer and rising musical artist named Hugo D Almonte, whose passion for perfection in music as a young musical gem has now garnered him massive headlines all over.
A growing passion for music since forever:
Hugo D Almonte was born on 20th January 1996, in Queens, New York. This young guy highlights that since a very young age, everything that revolved around music was his happy place. This close inclination that he felt for music from a very young age made him realize his true purpose in life, and today he has gone all in to work around his pursuits of making it big in the music realm with his signature sound and soulful songwriting.
Drawing inspiration from life:
On asking what his motivation is in creating beautiful pieces in music, the young talent says that his family and everyday life experiences have a great impact on his being, which helps him create soulful music. Hugo D Almonte says that we can always find out motivation and inspiration around us, in people dear and near, nature, surroundings, life situations, and the like, as music created out of that never fails to touch hearts.
Music is Therapy
Hugo D Almonte, who attained an Associates degree in business management from Queensborough Community College, says that all those people who create and put their work out also motivates him. He loves the whole creative process of creating music and thus believes it is like therapy, which can offer people a sense of calm amidst the hustle and bustle of life.
Hugo D Almonte initially had released songs Anxiety and Sueños in August 2021, available on Spotify and Apple Music, and now is proud of the EP he is working on, which is he is super excited to release soon. The actor/singer is known for his unique style and sense both in modelling and music.
To know more, people can follow him on Instagram @hugodalmonte.
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