I’m a Great Believer in Luck, and I Find the Harder I Work, the More I Have of it.” – Abdullah Al HaidMar

For every child their parents are his or her first teacher. They teach us to live, survive and what not. They show us the path and help us find our talents that lay deep within us.

And things are the same for Abdullah Al Haidar. Abdullah’s father is his mentor and influencer. He looks up to his father for inspiration. He is so proud that his father was his first teacher and the reason why he chose the field of sound engineering in the Gulf. He always helped him discover the right path.

He never pushed him for anything. He let him explore himself and his interests and let him be his authentic self. He even provided Abdullah a platform to explore and visualize his goals. His experience of working with his father in his company helped him to learn about the basics of the work and his relationship with artists also helped Abdullah to grow.

Abdullah Al Haidar was born in Kuwait on February 27,1985. Abdullah is a very creative and positive person. This can clearly be seen from the work he does. He chose the creative field to keep the creative impulse in him alive. Other than this he is a person with a positive attitude which motivates him to keep going no matter what difficulties he faces.

Abdullah is the owner of the company called Sotic Pro Company. The company looks for art products and restaurant groups. Abdullah is an organizer for huge concerts,conferences, exhibitions, theaters and contracts for artists.

Abdullah chose the field of music because of the tinge of creativity that was within him from the start. He did his masters in sound engineering course in London.

He knows it is tough to follow the path that leads you to achieve your dreams and requires a lot of hardwork and patience. He is working day and night to make this come true. He even advises people to never take a step back from working hard and to depend on others to help you out . He is full of positivity and never loses hope even in the hardest time. Success can’t be achieved in just a day, it is the outcome of once constant work and the zeal to achieve their goal.

Abdullah has high beliefs in almighty and his powers. He mentioned,

“My belief system is all about connecting with the higher power of the God Almighty. Without God Almighty, you cannot succeed in whatever you plan.
There are moments when life appears too tough and you are caught in sadness but these are moments when you need to put your faith in God and seek him.”

Abdullah loves his work and henceforth he enjoys what he does. It’s never a burden for him. He is working hard to achieve his ultimate goal.

You can connect with Abdullah Al Haidar on his social media handles below:











Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3EPBDwVBJFu5AQAhb2D0U1

Anghami: https://play.anghami.com/artist/12286021

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