In Just Two Days, Insurance Entrepreneur Jessi Park’s Book “Soul Beneficiary” Becomes a Best-Seller.

It is wonderful to see that Soul Beneficiary by Jessi Park has reached the ‘best-seller’ status in just two days of its release, demonstrating the momentum the book has been gaining and the recognition it has been receiving from readers and all those aspiring insurance professionals who wish to make it big in the industry.

Speaking about the book, the author states that it is both a memoir and an industry guide, and that it is intended to assist those who have high aspirations for their jobs and aspire to succeed in business.

Soul Beneficiary, according to Jessi Park, will teach people how to have the correct mindset and dedication, as well as the bravery to overcome self-doubt and life’s problems, in order to help them enhance their personal as well as their professional lives.


Interestingly, this is Jessi Park’s first book, and yet it has managed to generate so much interest in such a short period of time after hitting the shelves. Jessi Park is the founder and president of Inspired Insurance Solutions LLC, which has hundreds of agents throughout the United States.

Since the beginning of her business journey, she has assisted new agents in navigating more than 200 carriers and 2600 products, as well as teaching them the finest practices and assisting them in launching their successful careers. With Soul Beneficiary, she has attempted to shed light on the potential of the financial and insurance industries, which she is doing for the first time.

Readers will benefit from Jessi Park’s step-by-step approach, which will assist them in obtaining their licenses and increasing their confidence in closing their first deal, while also immersing them more into her personal experience. Many people have already expressed their appreciation for the book, which is available on Amazon. Follow her on Instagram at @jessicristinaah if you want to learn more.

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