When we were young we were told that it is better to be a master of one trade than to be a jack of all. However, now that the times have changed, people are realising that it is not the wisest thing to be dependent on one vocation. This is especially true in the field of digital marketing as it captures different industries. While it is important to have expertise in one particular domain, it is always advisable to be familiar with the working of the industry as a whole.
This is the sentiment that Dubai based digital entrepreneur and the founder of The Bridge Technology believes in. During his career, he has taken up different roles and responsibilities from the field of digital marketing and that helped him to grow not just as a digital marketer but also as a leader.
“When I started off I was convinced that I will stick to the analytical side of things but gradually I realised, in digital marketing, everything is dependent on each other. For example, if you want to be a part of the social media marketing industry you need to understand how content works. That also involves the role of graphic designing and web development. Even though I am not an expert in every field as I have many amazing people working with me, I do feel that anyone who wants to be a part of digital marketing industry needs to spend time in understanding the roles and responsibilities of each of the domain so that when you are creating a brand for a business or running and at you can be completely aware of what all you need to do,” shares Ayman Kaddoura.
For many people, digital marketing is all about getting leads and clicks but it is so much more than that as digital marketing allows a brand to create its own identity in the world. In the age of the internet where the world has become a small community of people, digital marketing has facilitated the movement between the countries.
On his different social media, Ayman shed more light on the issue. You can follow him on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter , Facebook, Youtube.
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