Ria Nalavade, the youngest cast member of Zee5’s anticipated series Sunflower plays her edgiest role yet, in this Vikas Bahl directorial. Sharing screen space with respected names such as Aashish Vidyarthi (who plays her father), Girish Kulkarni and Sunil Grover.
Ria explains how her role in the series was her biggest learning experience. “Not only did I learn alot from my legendary co-actors and directors, but I also play the polar opposite of my real personality.
Ria is curious, funny and colourful, while my character Paddy is shy, dark and well, let’s just say – ‘confused’. I had to learn how to ride a Royal Enfield bike, and had to really re-imagine myself as this edgy girl. And I loved every single bit of it!”.
Vikas Bahl and Rahul Sen Gupta chose Ria out of several young girls who auditioned for the role. “I’m glad they saw potential in me”, she says. Although Ria has completed two films in the Lead role previously, Sunflower will be her first official release. “My characters in my previous projects are closer to me in real life, but as an actor I want to prove my versatility in Sunflower”.
With the dawn of the era of OTT platforms, Ria looks forward to more exciting projects coming her way, and also the release of her upcoming Marathi film partly shot in Scotland under the GoldenGate motion pictures banner.
Her acting ability and bright, sunny persona have garnered appreciation by those who have collaborated with her, and we can’t wait to see what she brings in Sunflower, which premiers on Zee5 Premium on the 11th of June.
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