The world is a far better place for communities that have been subjected to years of discrimination by other dominant communities. The hierarchy existed for years before people accepted everyone as equal. But the planet Earth is not a perfect place to survive. Though the intensity of discrimination and prejudice has decreased, there is a lot of disparity that needs to be bridged. Many organizations and individuals have given their money and time to create an environment where everyone is equally treated and are offered equal opportunities. One of them who has made his personal goal to contribute to the upliftment of less privileged communities is J LaBron Anderson(In center).
LaBron Anderson aka Man of God is an Atlanta-based entrepreneur and Gospel artist, who took an oath to help cement the gap between various races. He founded the 501©️3 Nonprofit organization Beyond Kings Community Development Corporation in 2019 to bring inner-city youth programs that aim to liberate the mind as well as provide skills to prepare the youth for a future made up of technology.
Digital personalities like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and many others were early learners, as they were exposed to techniques and resources. While companies like Apple, Google, Microsoft, hire people based on their knowledge and skills rather than a degree. Man of God noticed the change it would bring to the communities which are not privileged in this spectrum. He inspected the question, “They provide these programs in the classrooms of public and private schools in other communities, why not ours?” and worked to implement his ideas. This served as a great opportunity for communities that can shine with minimum resources.
Currently, Man of God has teamed up with Grammy Nominated producer Drumma Boy (On left), owner of House of Fresh, Atlanta’s #1 provider of urban gear. You can find the Tech Fashion line at H.O.F or visit Beyond Kings Collections, the Super Suit is treated with antimicrobial agent Protechs to fight against Covid-19. Proceeds from each sale go to fund his coding program as well as the company is accepting tax-deductible donations on their website.
The need of the hour is to help such initiatives and grow them more. Understanding the root cause and finding a solution for the same is vital. Man of God, a collective effort can make a change that will benefit the world in the long run.
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