Things keep getting better for the Non-fungible token (NFT) sector. It just got another round of free publicity, this time from Jason Derulo. The American musician became the latest celebrity to buy an NFT after he purchased CryptoPunk #1961. The singer announced this in a Twitter post where he changed his profile picture to the CryptoPunk avatar.
What should I name my #cryptopunk ???#cryptopunks #NFT
— Jason Derulo (@jasonderulo) September 9, 2021
In the past few weeks, NFT has seen purchases from famous personalities and top companies. Just last week, NBA star Steph Curry bought a Bored Ape NFT and days before that, Visa purchased a female CryptoPunk. With this new purchase by Derulo, which is claimed to be worth 103 ETH, it’s clear that the market is bullish on the NFT sector.
I’m Ridin’ Sol-ana
— Jason Derulo (@jasonderulo) September 4, 2021
CryptoPunks is one of the oldest sets of NFTs. Created in 2017, this set of 10,000 computer-generated humanoid avatars have increased substantially in value over time. The NFTs were initially given for free to anyone with an Ethereum wallet. Now, CryptoPunks sell for over $100,000 on average.
Recently, the popular auction house Sotheby’s sold CryptoPunk #7523 for $12 million. This particular CryptoPunk is the only alien punk with a face mask which makes it very rare. As a result, it’s now the most expensive CryptoPunk.
Jason Derulo’s interest in crypto isn’t limited to NFT. Last week, the singer tweeted about ‘ridin’ Solana. With about 50 million followers on Tiktok and a large following on other social media platforms, Derulo can get younger people interested in crypto and NFT.
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