“Life’s not about how hard of a hit you can give… it’s about how many you can take, and still keep moving forward.” -Rocky Balboa
Jeremiah Maestre started his journey off like most boxing movies do- at the bottom of an uphill battle. He was born in Quezon City, Manila, the Philippines, and moved to Daly City in California when he was three. Daly City is one of the most densely populated cities in the United States, making for not the best living situation. When he first got to the US, he was living in a boarding house with his mom, dad, and cousins all in one room.
Every day he watched his parents get up and work hard chasing the “American dream.” They led by example, teaching Jeremiah from a young age that achieving your dreams takes consistency and effort. He put those values to work when he discovered his passion for sports, specifically basketball.
Falling In Love
He played basketball through his early life but stopped when he didn’t make it to the collegiate level. He attended college at Vanguard University in Southern California, which is where he found mixed martial arts. He took his first class in a gym that his friend worked and trained at. From his first class, he realized that effort put into skill outweighed innate athleticism, which sparked his love and interest in the world of combat sports.
After mastering some skills in MMA, he competed in a few cage fights and started training for a tournament. This led him to meet an old-school, traditional-style Mexican boxing coach: his own personal Mickey Goldmill. As he dipped his toes into the world of boxing, he realized the intricacies of the sport. He was used to using his strength and athleticism to power his way through but quickly learned that would not work with boxing. It took much more technique, repetition, courage, and patience. With that, he had a newfound love for the sport. He didn’t know it at the time, but getting into boxing would change the trajectory of his entire life.
He took a leap of faith, dropped out of college, and used his knowledge of boxing to teach group classes for kids and adults, all while growing his own skills. It gave him a purpose in life to share the sport with people.
Balance And Progression
Boxing incorporates the balance of mind and body. It requires you to fully concentrate on the task at hand, so you have to switch off the outside world and be completely present in the moment. It allows you to build mental toughness and learn about yourself all while physically testing your body’s limits. He loves teaching all of this to his clients as it creates a powerful and positive impact on people’s lives.
His coaching abilities, skill, and love of the sport shined through which led him to get noticed by a boxing fitness studio in New York City. In 2016, he packed up his bags and made the cross-country move to pursue his love of boxing. Once in NYC, he competed in large NYC amateur boxing tournaments under two-time world champion boxer, Joan Guzman.
Even as his personal boxing experience grew, he continued to spread his love of boxing through teaching. He consistently hosted group boxing classes and sought clients to train privately. One of his personal philosophies is, “keep elevating yourself so you can elevate those around you.” And that’s exactly what he did.
Propelling Ahead
Soon his classes were packed, and his private training schedule was maxed out. He also partnered with other NYC instructors to teach them how to be better trainers, and how to share their passions with their own clients.
Now, he’s helped over 70 instructors find their way in the boxing world and has partnered with brands that he never thought was possible. Some of those brands being Reebok, Nike, Adidas, Johnny Walker, Calvin Klein, Belvedere, ASRV, and BOXRAW.
Not even a pandemic could slow him down. He started JMTV, a platform where he teaches classes virtually, and clients also have access to an on-demand video library. He is also gearing up to launch another business, DragonFruit.tv, a streaming platform that will teach aspiring trainers how to be successful virtually.
In the end, Jeremiah seeks to share with the world all that boxing can do for you physically, and more importantly, mentally. He’s persevered through the years and will continue to learn and grow for himself, and for his clients.
For More Information About Jeremiah, You Can Visit https://jeremiahmaestre.com or on Instagram @Jeremiah.Maestre.
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