As the online working realm grows due to productivity studies and technological advancement, it can prove difficult for Virtual Assistants and online Business owners to maintain a point of difference when the internet seems so saturated with similar businesspeople. Jessica Strieder offers a solution to established Virtual Assistants (or VAs) to escape the rut of online work by providing multiple coaching phases for different stages of business development, with a tailored program for established Virtual Assistants in need of a new perspective and ways to bring in new clients through her independently run coaching program.
Strieder herself has worked her way up from a new VA to an accomplished business mentor and has first-hand experience with the entrepreneurial difficulty of trying to replace a 9-5 with an online business that has begun entirely from scratch. For more experienced VAs, personalised programs become more detailed and focussed on bettering an already-existing online business.
The mentor experience offered by Strieder is unique in its one-on-one approach where she works closely with clients as a friend and a guiding figure after programs end. Strieder explains that she is “not here for a quick buck” and cares deeply about each of her clients and their success, regardless of personal gain. This coaching approach is especially useful in improving as a pre-established Virtual Assistant as it diversifies the workplace by bringing a co-worker into the business. Additionally, this can provide a new perspective to any problems a business owner may be having, from difficulty gaining clients to marketing on social media. The perspective of an outsider, particularly one with as much VA experience as Strieder, can diagnose a business issue that a business owner may have been blind to for a long while.
As a business develops on the foundation of a VA, it can become taxing on wellbeing, which is another outstanding factor in Strieder’s coaching approach. Daily check ins are employed to not only improve businesses, but also improve the wellbeing and mental health of clients as a good online business rides on the back of the health and personal prosperity of Virtual Assistants. The program therefore aims to generate wealth and success without sacrificing important relationships and mental stability, which she has experienced first-hand in her family life. Strieder has already worked with established Virtual Assistants of whom, due to this approach, have been able to bring in new clients whilst maintaining a balance between work and home life.
Strieder believes that one size does not fit all regarding Virtual Assistants and the coaching they require, employing different angles of looking at a business. For established VAs, this service is helpful in its ability to personally better online businesses and the people behind them, fulfilling the aim of helping business owners to excel and grow their platforms.
For tips and daily value, head over to Jessica’s social media, including her TikTok account (@jessicastried) and her Instagram account. For her personal coaching plans, visit her website here, for a much more detailed business coaching experience.
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