Joel Fenelon Joseph is a businessman, philanthropist, and a Visionaire, a living example of how the business community encourages the development of modern society, helping people overcome difficulties and reveal their hidden potential.

Joel Fenelon Joseph is a graduate of the University of Caraibein Haiti. He has focused his studies on the psychology of poverty and earned his bachelor’s degree in Psychology in 2004. Growing up in the region with one of the highest poverty rates in the world, Joel Fenelon Joseph has decided at an early age to dedicate his efforts, academic studies as well as entrepreneurial skills to the idea of global poverty reduction.

Today Joel Fenelon Joseph is known in the business community worldwide, being an acknowledged expert in the trendiest and most relevant fields of the market and finance. Being an aspired Visionaire   Joel Fenelon Joseph has already managed to implement several successful projects that are now active in different parts of the planet.

For example, Joel Fenelon Joseph has developed Speed Injection Energy Drink – the most popular energy drink in Argentina and South America; in 2020 Speed Injection has generated more than $25.000.000 in revenue only through retail distributors.

He also owns several popular clubs and restaurants: Ophelia Bar Club in Hong Kong, Mamà in the Dominican Republic, and Maritierra in Chile. Currently, Joel Fenelon Joseph is partnering with Jesus Rodriguez Sandoval in the Dominican Republic developing many real estate projects.

All those successful enterprises contribute greatly to the life of local communities. Creating workplaces and business opportunities, they empower numerous people to reveal their potential and reach their goals in an atmosphere of a dynamic and successful business guided by an aspired young entrepreneur.

Joel Fenelon Joseph has always been engaged with humanitarian missions and community service activities, making the opportunity to help others one of the primary goals for each of his projects. That is why every enterprise, business opportunity, or start-up that he implements always builds around the peculiarities of the local community, its demands, and its strong sides.

Together with many famous Premier League and Serie A football players, Joel Fenelon Joseph puts a lot of effort into the establishment and development of an ethical and sustainable farming industry in Africa, Senegal, as well as South America.

His donations and initiatives help local farmers in Chile get the necessary equipment, commodities and get the essential knowledge about finance and labor management, becoming prosperous providers and active contributors in their local communities.

Staying true to his ideals and cultural roots, Joel Fenelon Joseph keeps on helping Haiti to overcome its poverty rate through a number of charity initiatives such as food donations, accessible education, employment programs, etc.

However, Joel Fenelon Joseph is a true representative of the modern business community, a visionary who always looks in the future, searching for new opportunities. In the past several years, Joel Fenelon Joseph made himself quite famous in the world of fintech and the cryptocurrency market. Today he partners up with MEM Middle East and Asia Mining.

This company is not one of the flagmen of the modern cryptocurrency mining industry but also a recognizable player on the High-tech market that takes part in such ambitious projects as building the world’s first Blockchain Data-Smart City.

Today Joel Fenelon Joseph focuses his efforts on searching for new business opportunities that would empower the next generation of entrepreneurial visionaries. He actively invests in Tech start-ups, Cryptocurrency, NFT projects, and alike. He admits that his main goal today is to help develop an ethical business community that will encourage and empower people worldwide to get an education, develop their talents and reach their dreams.

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