Jovan Wallace also known as “GHOST” is the President and Founder of AllMasterMinds, which has 6+ years of management experience. Ghost is a well established entrepreneur that understands geometry of many different industries. In fact, he is a Silent Investor in many other businesses within Fitness, Clothing, Transportation, Personal Protection Detail, Clubs and more depending on when you are reading this.
Nowadays, everyone wants to be an entrepreneur. But not many people understand how to be a “successful” one.
The entrepreneurial lifestyle is short-lived for a lot of people. The reason for this is because people underestimate how much risk is involved in actually creating a long-term business. Jovan Wallace is someone that understands this concept and has lives comfortably from it.
Jovan understands the nuances that come from loving what you do, timing, assessing risk, and creating a strong team. Loving and having pride in the work that you do will reduce the chances of one the one thing that plagues most entrepreneurs, burn out.
He is a natural born leader, one that his team looks up to and looks out for guidance. Although he is the CEO of AllMasterMinds, he doesn’t believe in titles. He considers all of his successes as his team successes. He doesn’t believe that all the credit and titles should go to one individual person, but instead should be given to every moving part that is making the entire operation happen.
There is no doubt that Ghost will continue to rise
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