Kingdom Pastoral Alliance’s Bishop McGowan will be Enthroned June 4th

There is a big event coming up for Kingdom Pastoral Alliances. On Friday, June 4th, 2021 at 7:30pm, Bishop Chester McGowan Jr. is being enthroned and installed as the Presiding Bishop of Kingdom Pastoral Alliance and King’s Court Ministries. It will be hosted at The Community Missionary Baptism Church in Fort Worth, TX. 

Come and join the festivities at Community Missionary Baptism Church located at 1125 E. Jessamine St., Fort Worth. Dr. Johansson Peck is the Chief Consecrator and Pastor Robert McGinty is establishmentarian or host of the event.

As the president of the Kingdom Pastoral Alliances, Bishop McGowan oversees his ministries with the God-fearing leadership that was bestowed upon him. He is characterized spiritually as a true man of God with an inconceivable passion to not only remain a humble servant, but to positively impact the lives of those in need of pure encouragement and guidance.

Kingdom Pastoral Alliance is a multicultural alliance of diverse Christian pastors who recognize the need for spiritual covering. This ministry was birthed through helping Pastors suffering in silence. They help those that don’t have anyone to trust or share their pain with, while they also are leading other hurt people as they hurt themselves. They provide

strategies to help our Covenant Partners and Sons and Daughters that impact the Church and Community. They have become a birthing ground that cultivates potential and fulfills destiny. Through this ministry, clergy and pastors have the guidance and spiritual

help that they may need to lead their congregations, families, and the support system for they need to be their best selves.

Throughout years of personal, professional, and spiritual preparation. While attending and serving at the Potter House under Bishop T.D. Jakes until October 2007, God moved and planted the seed for Pastor McGowan to go forth and establish King’s Court Ministries where the Mission and Vision God gave can be carried out in winning souls for Christ and building the Kingdom of God.

On July 7, 1996, Pastor McGowan was obedient to the call of God and accepted his assignment to preach the gospel of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and received his ministerial license. Ten years later in 2006, he was officially ordained in the state of Texas. On September 11th, 2008, Pastor Chester McGowan Jr. was a part of PHIPA Leadership Conference in Washington DC where he was affirmed by Bishop T.D. Jakes and. Kings Court Ministries was established. In 2015 Pastor McGowan became State Overseer of Texas, January of 2016, he became Bishop Elect, in November 2017 he was consecrated Bishop. On May 4th, 2018, Bishop McGowan was elected as the President of Kingdom Pastoral Alliance in California.

Bishop McGowan has had the opportunity to mentor many people over the course of his ministries, he has been awarded two “Man of Honor” awards and has been led by God each step of the way. His humility and passion for servitude has made him the person he is today and a strong leader for guidance and mentorship as he carries the title of bishop in his church. 


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