For many people, thoughts of investments go hand-in-hand with images of venture capitalists with money to spare. But according to Krishan Arora, more people of all backgrounds should be investing, and the process isn’t as difficult as many people believe.
“Millions of people have written off the idea of building an investment portfolio because they think it isn’t attainable for them,” said Arora. “But equity crowdfunding allows anyone to invest, and they can do so for as little as $100.”
Arora’s mission is to connect these people with the types of companies they’d like to see more of in the future. He’s accomplishing this with campaigns developed by his investor acquisition agency, Arora Project.
Arora Project began in 2016, just a few years after the JOBS Act passed. Title III of the JOBS Act allows non accredited investors to participate in equity crowdfunding. Previously, only people with a net worth of at least one million dollars were allowed to invest, cutting the potential for additional revenue streams off for the very people who might benefit the most from passive income.
Arora says that the new regulations have helped to level the economic playing field, and he’s spreading the word with his marketing campaigns that give people opportunities to invest in growing startups. In addition to getting more of the general population interested in investing, Arora helps startups raise their own capital through equity crowdfunding.
“There are so many amazing founders and companies that don’t get the funding they need, and it has nothing to do with their products or services, but rather with the antiquated ideas we have toward getting the capital needed to scale business,” said Arora.
By connecting people with the companies they believe in, Arora hopes to see more companies that people feel good about finding success in the global market. So far, his mission seems to be working. Arora Project has helped startups raise staggering funds and the agency shows no signs of slowing down.
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