About three years ago, Kristine Kumuryan created Kandid Koffee, a YouTube talk show that features successful Armenians from around the world to inspire their fellow countrymen. She interviews authors, educators, philanthropists, and even athletes that gained a positive reputation in their careers.
In some way, it also acts as her way of spreading love and hope to a country that’s suffering from the effects of war. In December of 2019 she visited Armenia to interview a handful of talented and well known candidates. When Kristine returned to the United States, she searched for numerous talented Armenian Americans who have used their influence to make the world a better place.
In her case, she wanted to make an impact on the world as well by being a voice for the Armenian community, specifically in the United States. It was a small start, but she couldn’t be happier to have helped so many in her community. She has learned many values from those she has invited to her talk show. That is why she hopes that those who have watched her videos are able to see those values too.
Through Kandid Koffee’s website and YouTube channel, Kristine was indeed able to inspire Armenians. What’s more commendable is that she has raised thousands of dollars to provide for the necessities of those in her home country. Under the organization’s name boxes of clothes, medication, and other essential needs have been donated.
For Kristine, after 3 successful seasons of Kandid Koffee, she has been privileged to meet and interview countless inspiring and influential people not just in California but worldwide.
According to Kristine “The interviews we as a community have conducted have brought so much awareness, especially during the time when our country was at war, alongside my fellow Armenian, we raised thousands of dollars and sent several parcels of clothes, medication, and other necessities to our motherland.”
So far this year she has showcased the cofounders of Zartonk Media, which is a new-age, independent Armenian multimedia news outlet. They provide important information to keep people up-to-date and engaged with Armenian news.
Another highly anticipated interview was one with acclaimed movie producer Asko Akopyan in which they discussed the upcoming release of Songs of Solomon directed by Arman Nshanian.
In the near future, Kristin looks forward to continuing as the creative director of Kandid Koffee and gaining more experience in doing voice overs as narration.
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