Hailing from Katni, Madhya Pradesh, Kushagra Anand is a 19-year-old jewel crown of the Indian entrepreneur echelon. He is a digital marketer, a business consultant and a PR wiz.
He is a busy man but he carved out some time from his schedule and answered some of our questions.
Q: We all are aware of your work, but in your own words – What do you do?
Kushagra: First and foremost, I am an entrepreneur. I do digital marketing, business consulting and PR work.
Q: You have achieved a marvellous level of success at a very young age. Have there been any bumps in the road to here?
Kushagra: I may be young but I have been doing my work for quite some time. When I started I was treading some murky waters but now it’s smooth sailing. I did not have any guidance or help, I’ve taught myself everything. But as we all know, hard work does pay off and I now successfully run Indian Crown Media and Marketing Crown.
Q: Who has been your inspiration? And do you have any word of advice for those who look up to you as an inspiration?
Kushagra: My inspiration has been my will to be independent. Of course, everyone has dreams and aspirations, I do too. I don’t want to rely on anyone to fulfil my dreams. As for the youngsters out there – be true to yourself, at the end of the day, you are all you have, nobody can take you away from you. You should be comfortable with yourself and be proud of your accomplishments.
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