By already planning to induce effective innovations to make the upcoming post-pandemic world more tech-friendly, Manpreet Singh is all set to bring in his ways of transforming the world of the 21st century.
The new and young minds like Manpreet Sigh are the hope of this constantly changing and developing world. Mr Singh has already achieved much recognition in the fields of the tech sector, real-estate sector, food tech and sustainable fashion. This 20 years old young enthusiast who is also a co-founder of Innokrats has a lot to share with us and inspire us.
This interview is with Manpreet Singh, co-founder of Innokrats, a technology company revolutionizing NAS (Network Attached Storage) market, starting with sustainable technology.
What was the earliest defining moments of your life that changed you?
Manpreet Singh: Starting at the age of 12, I went through an extremely painful time. At that time, I was still coping up with my dad’s death and was rejected from the society as I was unable to fit in with the people around me. I was bullied relentlessly at my school, had zero friends, and became more and more depressed.
I felt alienated, helpless, and hopeless every day. But now when I see it in retrospect, I think, it was the most empowering time of my life. I focused on building businesses and developing myself. When I was 12 years old, I launched a social network at my school because we weren’t allowed to use Facebook. A year later, I started a company that facilitated real people for their business website needs. That was the only area in my life where I felt like I was valued and making progress. It was that one part of my life that relieved my pain.
Entrepreneurship soon became an obsession. I promised myself I would do everything in my power to create the life that I wanted and my whole life changed. I learned to accept pain for what it is – the best catalyst for progress.
What are the skills that make you different from most of the people in the world?
Manpreet Singh: I am proficient at understanding the feelings of others, communicating useful ideas effectively, and influencing others’ decision-making processes through deep empathy.
I never had natural social skills, which was a huge weakness and source of pain for me. As a result of my social awkwardness, I was often mocked and excluded. This pain, later on, sparked a deep desire to better understand others and communicate effectively.
I realized this was critical to my mission i.e. improving the world and empowering others. I developed an obsession with psychology, the science of communication, and decision-making processes. I’ve read hundreds of books on these topics and studied them for thousands of hours. The more I learn, the more I realize how important this is.
What book changed your mindset or life?
Manpreet Singh: Zero to One by Peter Thiel and Blake Masters. Their masterpiece gave me a better lens through which to view life, the economy, and business. It dispelled myths about the business world — like the idea that competition is good for business — and emphasized the importance of sales, patience, and other underrated aspects of building a business.
The book was so formative and beneficial that I’ve read it cover to cover 3 times and continue to refer to its wisdom still while building my business.
What was your biggest challenge when you started with business? How did you overcome it?
Manpreet Singh: Striking the balance between being patient and operating with urgency. I’m often frustrated with the rate of progress in my business. It feels like we’re not growing and improving fast enough. I overcome that frustration by analyzing our progress every week or month, rather than judging how each day feels in the moment.
That sense of urgency accelerates the speed of our progress, so it’s a requirement for continuing at an optimal pace. At the same time, it’s good to step back and accept that it takes time to build valuable things. That builds perseverance in the face of challenges.
How do you define great leadership?
Manpreet Singh: Great leadership is the discipline of empowering and uniting a group of people to achieve worthwhile ideals. It requires making the best strategic decisions with the information available. There’s constantly a balance between persevering through challenges with your original strategy or adapting to achieve your goals.
Once great leaders make a decision, they effectively communicate its importance to the team, uniting them to implement it and empowering them throughout the process.
What’s your daily routine for success?
Manpreet Singh: My daily routine starts the night before when I create an agenda of everything I must accomplish the next day. I only sleep when I accomplish what I set out to, so my waking hours and schedules often vary.
When I wake up, I ask myself empowering questions and stimulate my body with physiological and breathing processes. I thank God for another day, for the opportunities and blessings in my life, and for everyone I know and love. I have several other daily “must-dos” such as I must exercise for an hour, meditate, and read because my goal is to read 50 books every year. The rest of the day, I make progress toward my mission by working on my business and helping others I care for and admire. Then rinse and repeat, 365 days a year.
What do you want to be known for?
Manpreet Singh: Improving the quality of life of all living beings, reforming the education system to better empower people, and helping solve many of the inequities in our world.
Indeed, Manpreet Singh is an inspiration for budding entrepreneurs and businessmen. He has already set a certain example for the youngsters who believe experience does not always come with an aim.
Connect with Manpreet on Instagram or visit his website.
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