The mentor, lodestar, and life success coach with “Just Imagine,” his progressive organization helps people to get nearer their goals and sense of happiness.
Isn’t it wondrous to learn about all those people who not only believe in turning their ideas and visions into fruition but also go beyond that and do more?
Well, the world is filled with too many talented beings, but a few among them always make sure to do the unusual and bring more value to people’s lives, taking them along on the path of success and fulfilment. We couldn’t help but notice the rise of one such man, who believed he had the potential in him to reach people and better their mindsets towards many things in life, things that they hardly paid attention to; he is Mahesh Toshniwal, aka MWT.
Mahesh Toshniwal has over the years surrendered himself to the idea of spreading the good among others. He confesses how he felt deeply for people around and noticed how so many of them needed a guide, a mentor, who could show them the light.
Hence, he decided to be that light in their lives and take them towards a happier world. This passionate man today is a mentor, lodestar, sapient, wealthsmith, wordsmith, and a life success coach.
He is the brain behind “Just Imagine,” his one-of-a-kind institution and organization to bring the “WOW” in people’s lives. This he does by leveraging the power of the application of the Law of Nature, Law of Attraction, Law of Reversibility, unique verses from different manmade scriptures, and Principles of Metaphysics. He helps people understand the importance of manifesting in life that can take them towards their desired goals in life.
Established in 2014 in Kolkata, India, the organization has come a long way, where he as a mentor and his team have helped people harness the power of imagination within them and use the same to attain their desired wealth, permanent health, successful career, luxurious life, and loving relations. He has even treated people with illnesses and diseases with his teachings and mentorship and led companies and corporate houses to more success.
Mahesh Toshniwal is also an author of two books; one is WOW! Words of Wisdom, in English, and the other is in Hindi WAAH! Shabdon ki Mahima. He is the man behind various meditation practices that have the power to spiritually vaccinate people. The recent ones being “Imagi-Shield” and the “Imagi-vir” have brought instant relief and peace of mind to people.
There is a lot more that this man does in his quest to transform lives and offer personal guidance sessions consisting of varied concepts, retreats, and so many other things, and he aims to continue doing that and much more in life.
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