Mao Lal is a multipreneur and founder of ‘Deutsches Edelmetallhaus’, ‘Bitson Management GmbH’ and ‘Coinygram LTD.’ He has excelled in his entrepreneurial career since he first set his foot in the industry. He started his journey in 2003, by founding his foremost company ‘Deutsches Edelmetallhaus’.
He recognised the potential of precious commodities like metals gold, silver and others early in his career which, today, are now one of the most important parts of the financial sector. Similarly in 2010, when the digital currency gained popularity, he was of the opinion that Bitcoins are the future, and that holds true even after 10 years of his prediction. Mao says, “even if Bitcoins become extinct, the idea and the concept behind it will stay, as I feel that it is the future.”
Mao developed interest in the Bitcoin industry when he started mining them on his work computer and after a few hours his enthusiasm reached an all time high as he was able to mine huge quantities in a short time. Since then he has been hooked on to the platform, such that he has built his own mining farm in Norway. Mao says that though Bitcoins have the potential to create an additional income, one should be prepared to deal with the risks that come with them.
Talking about his other businesses ‘Bitsons Management GmbH’ specialises in business consulting, product development, marketing services, and IT solutions, whereas ‘Coinygram LTD’ provides a cryptocurrency trading platform targeted not only to expert traders but also to novices who are new to trading as it provides a seamless interface and features which makes it one of the most preferred trading platforms in the country.
What sets Mao apart from others is that he has been acquainted with the blockchain technology since the beginning, to precisely say even before Bitcoin became a popular name in the financial industry and his expertise have helped many businesses and individuals taste success through his innovative offerings.
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