Mark Donahue bestselling book ‘Golden Reich’ takes readers on a wild ride, which includes a thrilling plot and fiercely compelling characters. In the ‘Golden Reich’ Germanys Third Reich set the stage for the Fourth Reich before its fall with the staging area set in the American desert.
In this book Lester Jones, an American bum, is the protagonist, but this “bum” has been around, having fought the Germans during the War. Clearly there is no love lost between him and the Germans, and that trend continues when he fights a war of his own in a cavern in an Arizona desert.
You can clearly see why ‘Golden Reich’ is an epic adventure. This thriller is intelligent, action packed, and will keep summer fun on high. Anyone looking for the read of the season should check this book out. Let’s learn a bit about this talented writer, his work and what’s next for him.
In the Golden Reich you take on the idea of the 4th Reich, what was your inspiration for this book?
While the book was written before what happened in DC on January 6th, a 4th Reich is no longer an idle threat in our country. We should all beware.
Lester Jones, your protagonist, is a bum, but he is also a badass. How did you develop this character? If you two could actually meet, what do you think you two would do for fun?
Knowing Lester as I do, I realize he would be quiet and like a good wine. I’d also be smart enough not to mess with Lester.
Did you ever find yourself burning out on the book? How did you get through that?
I do burn out on a story sometimes, which is why I am always writing more than a single book or script at a given time. Moving to another story let your brain rest while you work on something else.
As an author which book (or other media) would you say is your largest influence?
I think we are all greatly influenced by the internet these days. It’s fast, visual, and allows you to absorb more info in a shorter period of time than reading.
You have written five bestselling books, what is next for you?
Making movies.
‘Golden Reich’ is available on Amazon.
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