In life, we meet people who are very strong and inspiring, but they only became this way after having first experienced unfortunate loss and heartbreak. Dimas Cintron has a similar story.
Dimas is a father who is making efforts to bring change in others’ lives and to revive the memories of his son who lost his life due to cancer.
I didn’t know the story of his life in such detail until I got a chance to have an interview with him. He shared with me the biggest loss of his life that sent him on a downward spiral of darkness and depression, and his ongoing climb back to normalcy by starting something positive for others facing the same traumas and troubles. Here’s what I learned from Dimas about love, family, and finding hope when all seems lost:
1. Loss and depression doesn’t discriminate
Just a few years ago, Dimas Cintron was a well-known basketball player and a TV extra. He was a strong, tall, and fun-loving guy, filled with joy. He was having a great life with his family, and lovely son. He had everything one can imagine and it filled Dimas’ life with contentment and splendidness.
It took just one moment to turn his world upside down. His beloved son, Armani got sick with cancer, and after battling with the disease, he died at the age of 7.
As a father, this was the most unbelievable and unimaginable moment for Dimas, and it sent him into a deep depression and feelings of stress and uncertainty. Light, hope, and light had left the building. He lost the courage to live as he wondered why he’d been chosen to bear this pain.
It took him years to realize a new reality: that he’d truly been chosen to play this role in life because it allowed him the opportunity to serve others. And soon, a little light started to shine again.
2. Healing from loss is a group effort
Sadness, depression, and hopelessness are strong emotions, but Dimas decided he – and his desire to keep his son’s memory alive – could be stronger. Having been a role model as an actor and athlete, he realized that he could put his talents to good use and serve as a light for others.
So, Dimas Cintron brought himself back to life.
Dimas knew other people were passing through the same phase of life like him, filled with the fear of losing their child or the grief of a child who lost their cancer battle. In the memory of his son Armani, Dimas took the first step and started a campaign named Dimas Armani Cintron Foundation to help other child cancer patients.
Dimas turned this campaign into a non-profitable foundation that works as an active support organization for children and their families fighting cancer. He knows all too well that when a child has cancer, it impacts the whole family. The foundation works effortlessly to spread awareness about childhood cancer, with the motto, “No Child Fights Alone”.
With the help of this foundation, Dimas connects with 10 families with cancer patient children each year and provides the financial, emotional, and spiritual support they need. Monetary donations help provide treatment for the child and remove burdens for the family. He also motivates the families he works with to stay strong in this hard time of their life.
And in return, Dimas gains a sense of healing for himself.
3. Grief and healing come in surprising forms
In addition to his work with the foundation, Dimas felt he still needed other avenues to grieve and heal from the emotional trauma of losing his son.
Taking a swift turn away from sports and acting, Dimas found solace in making music. This was a new experience for him, as he had never thought of becoming a professional musician. But he also found it as a peaceful way to let his heart speak for itself, release pent-up emotions, and connect with others on another level with his original music.
And, just like any musician will tell you, Dimas learned that when things don’t go as planned, we have to improvise to make adjustments. He believes that music gives him a better way to improvise without consequence because when he is the creator there is no right or wrong – it just is.
Dimas also found solace in writing his first book, No Footprint is Too Small. Based on his real-life experience, with the help of his family, Dimas expresses his feelings of grief as a means to help others suffering through the same season of life. The book is moving up on the Amazon charts and is on track to become a bestseller.
4. Moving forward takes courage
September is Cancer Awareness Month, and Dimas is using every opportunity to spread the world and bring light to a reality he wants no one else to endure. Using social media sites like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, Dimas is constantly sharing his inspiring messages, videos, condolences to those who are suffering, and success stories of children who are recovering the toughest fight of their life. People from around the world are donating to the foundation to help save the lives of these little warriors and provide hope to all who hear Dimas’ messages.
For Dimas Cintron, Armani will never come back, but he can help to save others from experiencing this same pain and grief. These efforts have brought some peace in his life and will help in keeping the memories of Armani alive forever.
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