Dylan Gehr is the founder of AdLeadz, a company that specializes in marketing and lead gen services for small businesses all around the world. His career started working in house as a marketing manager for several local small businesses.
Unhappy with the process and results of his company’s marketing techniques, he decided to find a way to fix the problem. Currently, through his business, he is helping small business owners grow their business while gaining more freedom and time in the process.
After graduating college with a degree in sports management, Gehr had plans to be an athletic director or coach. Like many of us, life took him a different route. Gehr ended up working as a marketing manager for several small businesses for the next five years. “I worked my way up, but there were some things I wanted to change.” Not happy with the processes or the results that he saw, he decided to set out on his own. “A lot of business owners are set in their old ways, and it was hard to convince my boss to do things differently.”
As a business owner, he found that he had an easier time helping convince business owners to update their marketing techniques. When we asked if he wanted to ever move on from small businesses, his answer was fast. No. He enjoys working with small businesses and helping them grow their business.
Currently, Gehr has been in business for about eighteen months now and his success has been amazing. “We have done very well. To date, we have had several months where we made a profit of over $35,000.” Not bad for less than two years in business. When we asked what sets his business apart, he credited his experience with small businesses.
Spending five years working with small business owners and watching his family run a local electrical company certainly would offer a unique perspective. “I noticed that all small business owners have the same problem. Lack of time.” By offering them established lead gen solutions and marketing services, he looks to help them drive profit while freeing their time. His clients’ results have been nothing short of amazing. Helping a small construction company turn $12,000 into $800,000, a real estate agent turning $900 into $90,000, a pressure washer turning $3,500 into $22,000 and helping a financial advisor go from one meeting a week to twenty is a short list of his accomplishments.
Currently, Gehr is looking to expand his business and help others to do the same thing. According to Gehr, anyone can do what he did – they just require two main things. “Don’t limit what you can do. Take a leap of faith and start.” The second key is consistency. “Be consistent. I grew my business on the side while working my full time job. It was hard, but I was consistent and eventually saw results.”
When he is not working on his business, he enjoys spending time playing sports, coaching his soccer team, or spending time with his wife and their newborn baby girl.
To learn more about Dylan and how he runs his business, visit him on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn: Dylan Gehr
To learn more about AdLeadz, what they do, and how they can help your business, you can schedule a time to talk with them here: https://www.adleadz.com/reserve-your-city
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