There are a bunch of young entrepreneurs making a buzz in the business circles of the financial capital of India Mumbai, Salamuddin Shaikh is one of them. He is a young self-made entrepreneur who wants to change the scenario of the Digital marketing domain in India. Salamuddin has more than 8 years of experience in the field which is still in the inception face and is booming rapidly in the Indian markets. He is the founder of Kreative Buzz, one of the leading digital marketing agencies having a base in Mumbai.
Salamuddin has the expertise in all the subdomains of digital marketing which can help a business to not only expand their presence among the modern-day customers and increase their brand awareness but can also turn them into profit-making entities. Whether it is Branding, SEO, PR, and SMO Kreative Buzz use the latest technology to promote the business.
Salamuddin feels that digital marketing has huge potential which businesses and individuals are yet to tap properly. He says that “Most people are still not aware of how and to what extent digital marketing can help in their business, many even reluctant to follow any new technology. He insists “Digital technology is the only way forward if you want to grow considerably and reach to correct target audience for your product and services in the fastest possible way.”
Salamuddin Shaikh is a self-made entrepreneur. From his childhood, he was a bright and focused child. Duringgraduation, he learned the nuances of digital marketing and decided to become an entrepreneur for not only self-growth but to provide the opportunity to other youths and growth prospects to numerous business houses. At Kreative Buzz he and his team provide cutting-edge and dynamic technology solutions to help their clients achieve set branding marketing and PR goals. His wide experience and out-of-the-box ideas make him one of the most trusted entrepreneurs in this domain.
Salamuddin is an ambitious young man who is scaling the heights of the digital world rapidly. He has a vision and worth to take Kreative Buzz to the position where it is counted among the world’s largest digital marketing agencies. He is inching closer to it with every passing day.
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