Erileydi Coste

Meet Slimiee Fit — The Key To Achieving Your Dream Hourglass Figure And That Impossible Flat Tummy

Erileydi Coste has always been interested in maintaining a fit figure. That being said, she also understands how confusing the journey to a person’s ideal body goal can be, and for that reason, she created her company, Slimiee Fit, in 2019.

Coming from a Latin background, her mother used to influence her to wear a waist trainer growing up in order to help her maintain the “perfect” hourglass shape every woman so desperately wanted. Coste quickly grew familiar with the variety of severely uncomfortable waist trainers on the market and was constantly looking for a more comfortable alternative.

She reached a point where she was creating her own homemade waist trainers out of vinyl; the same material used to make yoga mats. But, in the end, she found it did not provide sufficient structure. Coste realized that creating the ideal waist trainer would be the perfect business opportunity to help women in similar situations. In May 2019, she ordered a customized sample from a manufacturer, and the rest was history. A few weeks later, Slimiee Fit made its debut.

Coste’s hard work and dedication are the reason the company exceeded all expectations. Within a couple of months, Slimiee Fit had completely sold out of its first launch of products. For its second launch, the company offered an additional model of the waist trainer that would consist of a longer-styled vest for those customers who desired fuller coverage.

Those were also an instant hit, and before she knew it, the CEO was ordering double the amount of products she had started her company with. She also consistently asked her customers what they wanted to see from Slimiee Fit, and that in turn always guided her in the right direction and kept incoming company feedback substantially positive.

In just a few short years, Slimiee Fit has expanded in massive ways. Company inventory now consists of an entire range of fitness products in addition to its classic waist trainers. Products include motivational water bottles, roomy gym bags, adorable workout outfits, and even a custom formulated fat-burning cream (which happens to be Eriee’s favorite product!).

The company is the perfect fitness companion for anyone feeling lost in their weight-loss journey, and it continuously strives to provide customers with the best essential products to enhance their experience at the gym or at home. All products are eligible for international shipping, and the company plans to further enhance its international presence within the coming months. To see the full range of Slimiee Fit products, visit or follow @slimieefit on Instagram.

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