Leena Love from Springfield, Massachusetts US, is the very definition of a hustler, which is something she’s proud to be known as.
In addition to modeling, the entrepreneur juggles working as a makeup artist, an adult phone operator, content creator and musician.
Sharing the secrets of her success, Leena reveals her biggest tip – being your own boss and taking charge in every aspect of your career.
“I do live streams on Twitch and the app Bigo, where I talk to my viewers about different topics or play PC games such as League of Legends,” Leena told Jam Press.
“I’m currently in the process of leaving my regular makeup job to become a full-time model, but right now I have a lot on my plate.
“I do my own hair, makeup, styling, and photography. I like to be my own boss and create my own visions.
“It can be challenging sometimes doing all this on my own but the investment is worth it.”
Leena credits keeping a positive attitude and outlook to staying focused when times are tough – and not to give up when you ‘fail’.
She said: “It’s very important to keep a pragmatic mindset because you are going to hear a lot of ‘no thanks’ along the way and you have to remember that it’s OK and it’s a part of life to fail.
“You have to simply get up and keep going to achieve what you want to do.
“I always try to remain confident and show people I have what it takes to be another amazing influencer providing my own style.
Rather than focusing on the negatives I always remember everything I’ve already accomplished and how far I’ve come.
“Staying calm, keeping my mind relaxed always gets me back on my ‘hustle and grind’ outlook.”
It was this sensible approach to business that led Leena to come up with a solution when she noticed her money wasn’t stretching as far as it needed to.
She said: “I was paying photographers and studio rentals to take my images and started to notice I was going into debt.
“I told myself that I had to do some of this on my own or I would end up broke. That was just the reality of it.
“Luckily I got a few tips and tricks from photographers about lighting and what cameras to use.
“I took my tripod, iPhone, Canon camera, and a self-timer remote and let the magic happen. I know my angles and nothing can stop me from taking a really good image of myself.”
Standing out from the crowd is something the businesswoman strives for and creating a unique selling point is key when building a brand.
Her unique look has been inspired by her love of video games, comics, and movies.
She said: “When I see a character’s style or look I just want to envision myself wearing it. I grab pieces from different stores and put them together to create my own version of cosplay characters.
“I want to be known for being a ‘hustler.’ It’s not easy doing all of this on my own. I’ve had help along the way and I always thank and credit everyone where it’s due.
“What really drives me is to make people feel motivated when they see my work to become inspired to do anything you want.
“I think ‘look at me, I’m a small-town girl from Massachusetts and I’m killing it,’ I’m getting featured in magazines, taking my own professional images, running my fan club, and making really good profit from it.
“I want my legacy to have great success and so far mine is just starting.”
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