An amazing event is being developed in the beautiful Canadian city of Vancouver. This event will shed a light on entrepreneurship and have a real conversation about what it takes to succeed in business today. Vancouver provides the picturesque backdrop of the rocky mountains and the Pacific Ocean on its doorstep.
It’s no wonder that ManTalks Founder Connor Beaton chose the city for the Real Talk Summit. This event will bring together over a thousand entrepreneurs, leaders, and professionals that will pull back the curtain on what it takes to succeed through real and raw conversations.
Something that I feel is really refreshing, especially for a live event. There is so much negativity in the world lately and sometimes it’s hard to pinpoint what’s real or fake. Real Talk Summit is all about honest and insightful conversations where most of the magic tends to happen.
To help lead this movement they have secured well-known entrepreneur, investor and New York Times best-selling author Gary Vaynerchuk as the keynote speaker. Someone that is definitely not afraid to say it how it is and express his thoughts.
Vaynerchuk is a sought after speaker and someone who’s online social following continues to grow by the day. Evident by his combined fanbase of over 3 million on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
He has a charismatic edgy approach to business and life that I feel should be admired rather than frowned upon. Something attendees will get to experience first-hand.
Social Entrepreneurship
There’s a new wave of businesses entering various industries. This is how the economic cycle of business usually works. Old companies die, and new companies emerge.
One thing that seems to be much bigger than a trend is how millennials aren’t solely focused on dollars and cents for their business anymore. These entrepreneurs want to be able to put out a sustainable and conscious product. In other words, they believe and practice in something called social entrepreneurship.
This is a new way to either start your business from scratch or innovate an existing one to have another dimension to it. What I like about social entrepreneurship is that these organizations see business as a vehicle for social change and not just as a money pot.
When you believe in and support a cause, then tie that into your business, branding, and message, it can be a powerful force.
There is one very successful business that comes to mind when I think of social entrepreneurship and that’s TOMS Shoes. For every pair of shoes they sell, they donate a pair to someone who can’t afford a new pair. Genius!
At the summit, there will be similar businesses and dedicated discussions that will include Keith Ippel, CEO & Co-founder of Spring which is a global startup school for entrepreneurs who want to do better business.
Moving Forward
To be able to be the best version of ourselves we need to be able to identify what our strengths and weaknesses are. When we do this we identify the strengths that we should be focusing on, while identifying weaknesses we should probably not be doing.
During the Real Talk Summit, attendees can expect to hear from well-established entrepreneurs that cut through the fluff and provide the true story of their success. It’s not about telling people what they want to hear, but more about what you need to hear.
When we get real with one another and speak the truth and engage in stimulating conversations, it opens us up to a whole new world.
This is what you can expect from the Real Talk Summit. Real and raw conversations to help push business and society further.
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