Be It Until You Become It is a must-read for seekers who are longing for a breakthrough, change of direction, and the ability to set and achieve goals. With transparency and humility, Natasha Graziano shares what she learned and how she navigated her own journey from complete poverty of spirit to prosperity beyond measure.
Imagine the life you would be living if you mastered the ability to set and achieve all the goals that are truly important to you. Millions of people live life by default, unaware that they could be opting for new ways of thinking, feeling, and being that would enable them to live a purpose-driven life, achieving goals based on clear intentions, mindset, habits, and inspired action.
A role model has risen up from among the masses in the past few years. No stranger to hard times or the need for a new direction and fresh start, when Natasha Graziano found herself at an all-time low (homeless, broke, and sick – all while caring for an infant as a single mom), she opened her mind and heart to transformation on every level. In her broken state, she had the humility to listen, learn, and gain wisdom from doctors, authors, speakers, and philosophers, ancient to modern-day, and everything in between.
Graziano absorbed the best from everything she learned and has had more than a comeback – she is like a completely new person, living the life of her dreams and explains how anyone can become a new person any day any time. After getting into alignment with the highest and best purposes for her life and investing her all in them, she is committed to sharing what she has learned through serving others.
As she generously began opening up about everything that aided in her recovery and success journey, she has become a renowned thought-leader, now with social media followers in the tens of millions and topping the charts with the #3 podcast in the Educationcategory on Apple.
She is one of the most sought-after coaches, speakers, teachers, and authors. Her first book was a best-seller, and she’s launching a second in early August. It is now available for pre-order – Be It Until You Become It: The Law of Attraction Explained Through Neuroscience and Ancient Wisdom.
A sneak peek at the chapter list in the book left me wanting to know more about the “Five Pillars” she described in Chapter 6, a chapter full of promise with a collection of Graziano’s treasured daily practices when it comes to her mindset and spiritual work. She recommends readers who are ready to make progress in their own lives take the Five Pillars to heart.
Chapter Six is entitled “The Five Pillars of Achieving Your Goals: Your Bulletproof Formula for Manifestation,” and in short, the pillars are: 1) Get Clarity of Your Vision; 2) Remove The Blockages; 3) Anchoring Your New Belief System; 4) Expand Your Vision; and 5) Take Inspired Action.
Pillar One captured my attention! For most humans, it is a stretch to settle on one big goal in which to invest themselves wholeheartedly. Goalsetting requires the ability to envision situations and circumstances that don’t exist – yet – in the here and now. It would be short changing yourself to skip reading the whole book, for each chapter is full of information presented in building-block fashion.
Suffice it to say, by the time you arrive at Chapter 6 and the First Pillar: Get Clarity of Your Vision, you’ll be armed and ready to do the work of tuning in to one or more of your heartfelt dreams and wishes.
With no small amount of compassion for the complexity of your plight, Graziano encourages you to use her Meditational Behavioral Synchronicity (MBS) method.
“Through this method, hundreds of thousands of people have effectively released burdens, trauma, and painful memories,” says Graziano.
“Because, as you now know, releasing from the conscious mind isn’t enough, you need to let go on a subcellular level.
Your subconscious mind is the head architect, sculpting your reality, into what appears to your conscious mind, as a total coincidence.” Her point is that we have been creating our reality all along, the good and the not-so-good parts. This method Graziano developed involves letting go of painful parts of the past that you have been harboring in order to create space for the new ways of being that you desire. Graziano encourages and facilitates forgiveness – for the sake of your health and happiness.
The “old stuff” you have carried around far too long can take a heavy toll on your mental, emotional, and physical health. When you engage in Graziano’s MBS method and do the inner work to let these things go, you not only feel better and experience positive life changes, but friends and loved ones will likely see and feel a marked difference in your countenance and vibe.
“Through deep meditation, self-hypnosis, and specific ancient breathing exercises (MBS method), I was able to rewire neural pathways so I could become empowered to own my identity, clearly define myself, and let go of my past,” says Graziano.
To give readers the same experience, she has included easy-to-follow instructions, resources, and exercises in the book.
Graziano’s MBS method will help prepare readers for getting in touch with heartfelt goals that will become the focus of Pillar One. According to her, goal setting requires more than a one-and-done approach. She is a fan of frequent review, setting small goals daily that support progress towards a major goal.
Based on her history, she also swears by vision boards because she benefitted from creatively combining words and pictures to keep her goals front and center.
“It is so rewarding to discover that every goal represented on a vision board has come to fruition,” says Graziano.
“I will continue creating them for the rest of my life because they work, and I know they have contributed to my success.”
You must get crystal clear on your why and eliminate self-limitations blocking you from success.
“Clarity sets you up for embodying a future by thinking, feeling, and behaving as one who has already accomplished the big goals,” says Graziano.
“Pull out your journal and start writing.” In the book, she provides questions and recommends reading through your answers morning and evening, tapping into feelings, using visualization and belief to manifest what you desire.
The book provides plenty of information about Graziano’s favorite go-to’s that help build momentum: meditation, breath work, gratitude practice – doing all with feeling! Graziano adds, “Your vision will take off when your “why” is tied to a larger goal of serving and benefitting others with motives of love, compassion, and generosity.”
Like millions of others, you will fall in love with her way with words, transparency, authenticity, and warm, bubbly personality, not to mention her delightful accent. You will feel you’ve gained a mentor and friend through her podcasts and books and will love the special gifts she offers to readers who pre-order a copy of her book.
Be It Until You Become It will be a best-seller – you can bet this has been one of the goals on Natasha Graziano’s current vision board. She is already seeing it in her mind’s eye, feeling it as if it were so. I’m betting on Graziano – and this is only the beginning for this superstar. She is one to watch, and the purpose-driven life she is living and sharing with others is making the world a better place for everyone.
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