If you have a great talent and enough confidence to show it to the world, people are going to fall in love with you. That is exactly what has happened with New York’s Y9Kitchen Boyz artist Yo Trap. With his powerful music, Yo Trap has created a huge impact on music lovers. At the age of 29, he enjoys lots of love and appreciation for his work.
Yo Trap believes in cherishing every moment. He takes life easy and makes sure every minute is spent to the fullest. That helps him being focused, motivated, energetic and positive in life and about his musical career.
As an artist, a lot of them have something or someone that inspired them in life. When Yo Trap was askes about his inspiration, he answered, “My young trappa “coach capone” Trap in peace (R.I.P).” He also revealed who are his top 3 favourites – Snoman (Jeezy), Yo Gotti & Mulatto.
Yo Trap has a big reason to venture into the music industry. The artist from Albany wants to spread the magic of the trappas across all over the world. He has been in this journey since 5 years. So far, he has successfully managed to make music lovers aware about him and his boys .
Currently, he is working on his new piece called ‘Trappin Ain’t Dead 2 Otw’. For 2021, Yo Trap has some big plans. He wants to make more music, more videos. He also hopes his jewelry production this year is better compared to 2020 and hopes to make more rackios.
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