Op. Dr. Süreyya Şeneldir, who has been conveying his 30 years’ experience to his colleagues through RhinoplastySchool, made one of the greatest archives for the realm of medicine. Breaking a new ground in this area, Dr. Şeneldirprepared a photo atlas on Rhinoplasty: “Photographic Atlas of Rhinoplasty”. “Photographic Atlas of Rhinoplasty” will be published throughout the world on June 21.
In his Rhinoplasty School which has been organized for approximately 10 years and has become international, ENT Specialist Op. Dr. Süreyya Şeneldir has been lecturing surgeons from all over the world. He has been teaching all the details of rhinoplasty through live surgeries and he makes working cadaverously enable as well. And now, Dr. Şeneldirmade “Photographic Atlas of Rhinoplasty”.
Advantages of Open and Closed Rhinoplasty are Compared
On his “Photographic Atlas of Rhinoplasty”, Op. Dr. SüreyyaŞeneldir says: “My purpose in this work is to create an approach which is based upon problems, rather than technical sides. In the atlas, I compared specific anatomical problems with the relative advantages of both approaches for surgical techniques. The book contains preoperative and postoperative scenes as well as long term outcomes.”
The Topics of the Book Will be Supported Through HD Video Clips
One of the essential features of “Photographic Atlas of Rhinoplasty” is that it intensifies its instructiveness thanks to HD videos that are created by “AR” technology. Op. Dr.Süreyya Şeneldir says: “Cosmetic surgeons and ENT Specialist will be enabled to see the outcomes of their own practices directly, in an easy way. This atlas is not made for to stay on bookshelves only; it will serve as a textbook for practical purposes in surgery rooms as well.”
“Photographic Atlas of Rhinoplasty” will be published across the world and the exact date has been announced as June 21.
Follow Op. Dr. Süreyya Şeneldir on Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/rhinoplastyschool
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