Couldn’t put that book down in high school? Chances are you were reading one of Victor Villaseñor’s works — and lucky for you, a piece of history is up for grabs via an NFT on OpenSea.
Three-time Pulitzer nominee Victor Villaseñor, part Danny Trejo and part Tony Stark — can’t stop, and won’t stop — embracing the latest in crypto with a non-fungible token of his own.
Victor Villaseñor, age 80 going on 40, announced for his 81st birthday that he is hosting an auction for a series of NFTs based on his life’s work. He even put together a badass video, channeling his inner Cielito Lindo, on the launch:
Who is Victor Villaseñor?
Victor Villaseñor is a Mexican-American author whose 1991 book, Rain of Gold, became a bestseller. He has written other works, including Burro Genius, which is a memoir of his. His last memoir, Crazy Loco Love, was published in 2008.
Villaseñor is dyslexic as well, and he overcame it to write. He even described his dyslexia as a gift he can use to see patterns other people cannot see. Dyslexia is a disorder that makes it so it’s difficult for a person to interpret certain words, so Villaseñor overcoming his dyslexia to be a successful author is something many may see inspiration for.
Besides being a writer, Villaseñor does speak in public and discuss themes of family, heritage, and peace. World peace is a belief of his he hopes to achieve, with his non-profit, Snowgoose Global Thanksgiving, being dedicated to achieving it.
His lectures are found in schools across the US, and his works are assigned for many students as well.
What Are NFTs?
NFTs stand for non-fungible tokens, which are non-replicable crypto tokens that can represent ownership of a piece of art. They have exploded in 2021, with many artists using them to give people ownership over their art.
The technology is still new and developing. The NFT itself doesn’t contain the image, but it is proof of ownership.
What Are Viillasenor’s NFTs?
Villaseñor’s NFTs are a series that is representative of his works and his life. These NFTs are for charity and are being auctioned from Thursday, May 6th at 9 AM EST to May 11th at 5 PM EST. You can find them on OpenSea.
One of them is called Witness a Man, which describes Victor’s 40 year journey to write Burro Genius. It also speaks of his grandmother, who is an inspiration, and includes an original photo of him. The quote itself hopes to inspire potential writers or any artist.
The NFTs are handwritten and include his own unique signature on them. Fans of Villaseñor’s works hope to get their own piece of his legacy by participating in the auction and hoping to obtain the NFT series for themselves.
Who Designed Them?
ViciNFT is the bespoke designer of Villaseñor’s NFTs. ViciNFT is led by Bill Gladstone, the celebrated literary agent and author. Gladstone has worked with many celebrities before and Villaseñor is the first author who is on ViciNFT.
Villaseñor’s said he is honored to be the first author on ViciNFT and he thanked his family, his English teacher in high school, and other inspirations.
Gladstone also hopes that if Villaseñor’s auction is successful, it will pave the way for other authors to join in and sell their works on ViciNFT.
ViciNFT and Environmentalism
One criticism of NFTs is they require high amounts of energy to produce, causing environmental concerns. But ViciNFT describes itself as carbon neutral, and their website includes a donation to an environmental charity, with 25 percent of proceeds going to a charity.
Villaseñor is pro-environment, describing people’s life job as “healing Mother Earth.” Through hoping to achieve world peace, ViciNFT is another tool Villaseñor wants to use to help the world.
Gladstone himself hopes to host more authors whose works have represented global issues.
Who Will Win?
If you are interested in seeing who will win the NFT, you can go to ViciNFt and the winner will be announced at 5 PM EST on Tuesday, May 11th. You can also bid in the auction if you so wish. For fans of Villaseñor, or even someone who is new to these works, ViciNFT is an auction that you may not want to miss.
Villaseñor is an author worth checking out, and his auction is a celebration of his decades of writing and his over 80 years of life in our world. We hope the auction goes well for him and hope he writes for many more years.
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