Are playing video games one of your favorite pass times? Now you can stop feeling guilty about it. Playing video games (responsibly) actually has some serious health benefits. Now you can go tell your parents […]

Are playing video games one of your favorite pass times? Now you can stop feeling guilty about it. Playing video games (responsibly) actually has some serious health benefits. Now you can go tell your parents […]
In 1735, Jonathan Swift talked in his Gulliver’s Travels book about Mars and its two moons… 142 years later, intensive spatial research discovered and publicly admitted that the planet has, indeed, two moons. Jules Verne […]
Hundreds of articles talk about morning habits, day to night habits, weekend habits, and financial habits of powerful, influential people. They’re all trying to tell you what those people do. But it looks like nobody […]
So you want to go abroad and have some fun, right? But you have to choose between 192 countries, who knows how many thousands of cities, and your on a rather tight budget. Normally this […]
The ability to speed read is something that many people aspire to, yet only a few truly master . Reading will remain a necessity regardless of the form and format of writing. If you want […]
Sleep is that one thing everyone seems willing to let slip when things get hectic. Obviously, if you go to sleep after midnight, it is kind of hard to wake up early and set the […]
In a world where technology spreads like a spider web on top of everything, the language still has its very special place. We learn our mother tongue from the first years of life and, a […]
It’s easily possible to fly all over the world on a budget, there are just certain things that you need to know. In today’s world there are thousands of competing sites and apps to book […]
These days finding and maintaining a decent job is tough. Becoming rich (in the traditional sense of having a lot of money) from most jobs is a monumental task that most people never achieve. Having […]
The morning is such a vital time of the day. Your peak energy awaits you Your desk is clear (for now) Your schedule is in time blocks The sun is shining (at least for a […]
I’ve recently changed my morning routine to include a new blend of tea that has absolutely exploded my energy and instead of a mid-day crash I stay focused with the benefit of all day sustained […]