690 million people worldwide go hungry every day in a world with enough resources to feed everyone – let that sink in.
Within that disheartening figure are children, adults, and the elderly alike. However, nowhere is the effects of hunger and malnutrition more salient than in the young. It’s believed that malnutrition causes 45% of deaths of children under the age of 5.
If children within these disadvantaged communities survive past the age of 5, they’re likely to suffer from stunted development due to lack of adequate nutrition during the vital growing life stages.
Hunger is a pervasive issue worldwide
While shock is a normal reaction to hearing these facts, very few people feel like they have the power to change it. The extent of global hunger is vast, stretching across the globe into all continents and almost every country.
Moreover, remedying world hunger involves changing food distribution channels from the bottom up. While uprooting a system that has been in place for a century sounds like an insurmountable task for most – a Portuguese Pro-wrestler has other ideas.
Cory Machado is dismantling on hunger step by step
Cory Machado has already lived a remarkable life thus far. He’s bucked trends, surpassed expectations, and always followed his own path.
And now, after years of fighting in the ring, he’s ready to fight world hunger. Machado cites “honoring the memories of amazing individuals” as the reason behind his will to do good in the world.
After becoming involved in raising awareness for car safety, Machado vowed to honor the lives of those who passed away, saying, “I’m on a mission to help fulfill their goals of helping others.”
And so far, he’s managed to feed 20,000 families across America by working with charities, non-profits, and food banks. When he’s not working with charities, you can find him collaborating with businesses and doing promotions to gain resources for the needy.
Machado has been proactive in his anti-hunger activism
But it hasn’t all be hands-off work for Machado. In fact, it’s by being on-the-scene in food banks and charities that he has the opportunity to see the devastating effects of hunger on communities up-close. Plus, Machado regularly encourages promotions to dedicate a part of pro-wrestling match ticket sales to charities. In fact, much of his own pro-wrestling profits go directly into solving world hunger.
Overtime, Machado has been gradually raising awareness for world hunger through social media and other online endeavors. He cites “having great people around me with the same vision and goals” is vital to his fight against hunger. To achieve this goal, Machado uses the hashtag #ENDHUNGER that can be seen sprinkled throughout all of his social media accounts.
His main motivation to keep fighting?
And of course, to take on such a lofty goal, Machado has bigger inspirations and motivations – his grandfather. Machado’s grandfather believed his grandson could do anything he set his mind to. As a result, Machado grew into an adult who could not only dream of taking on world hunger but also take action against it.
What are Machado’s plans for the future?
Now, Machado is essentially at the helm of an anti-hunger movement that is spreading fast throughout the whole of Portugal, Mexico & the U.S., and even reaching further afield. He has his sights set on feeding 7 billion people and shows no signs of stopping. It seems that Machado’s main goal is to make the world a better place above all else – and he’s on the right track to achieving it!
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