You underwent for your Rhinoplasty and reached your dream look. And then? Do you know the postoperative points that are crucial for your nose? Rhinolaryngology specialist Prof. Dr. Köksal Yuca says that the postoperative process is as important as the surgery and he states that patients should take good care for their nose.
For looking more handsome, beautiful, and younger, nose remodelling is one of the most favourite cosmetic surgeries and the whole process is so significant as well. Prof. Dr. Köksal Yuca underlines the importance of the postoperative process and he also states that patients should follow the rules exactly as their surgeon tells.
“Rhinoplasty is a tough and uneasy process. The patient is expected to act in accordance with their doctor’s instructions. The recovery of the physical changes take place depending upon the coordination of the patient with the instructions. Each detail leaves positive impacts.”
Prof. Dr. Köksal Yuca explains the instructions for the first three months: “The patient should protect the nasal area. Any damage coming froum outside must be prevented. Because of this, especially in the first month, the patient should avoid from exercises and mobility. The patient should not sleep in a prone position.
They also should take medicines as their doctor instructs them and they shouldn’t use any other medicine. During the recovery process, nosal flow, bleeding, bulge, and oedema are unsurprising issues and they should be patient. In the first three months, these issues disappear gradually. The medical exams should not be delayed, and nose should be cleaned properly. Using any cosmetic product is restricted as well.
Prof. Dr. Köksal Yuca adds: “The nasal area should be protected after three months’ process as well. The patient should be careful about excessive heat and cold in various weather conditions. The postoperative instructions are most important for the patients who have to work inside and outside.
There is no disadvantage in remaining their routine after couple of days from the treatment, but they have to protect their nasal area nicely. During winter, there is a possibility of catching flu. And in summertime, intranasal area should be protected from humidity. By paying attention to all these, the recovery process will be much easier for patients.
Connect with Dr Köksal Yuca on Instagram – @profdrkoksalyuca
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