Britt Lee, popularly known as “The Goddess Nurturer,” is a visionary healer, coach, and professional hypnotherapist. She specializes in love counseling and assisting goal-oriented women in developing self-confidence by allowing them to experience themselves more truthfully on a soul level.
She enjoys helping her clients become more confident in their daily lives, awakening their purpose, and learning to harness their unique personal skills to boldly create the lives they desire.
Britt offers a variety of one-on-one healing sessions, packages, courses, and retreats aimed at empowering women to develop the inner strength they need to live healthier, more satisfying lives that are authentic to themselves. To support healing and personal expansion for her clients, she employs techniques such as sound healing, hypnotherapy, astrology, and even numerology.
Britt wasn’t always the self-assured goddess she is now. Britt had many challenges to overcome before establishing her therapeutic coaching business. She was born and brought up in a tough neighborhood of Washington, D.C., by a struggling single mother.
Britt watched her mother struggle to make ends meet as she slept on a daybed in their one-bedroom apartment’s living room didn’t exactly help her build the foundational attitude for success or the self-image she needed to shine. On the other hand, her narrative is what motivated her to start a new business helping other women reinvent themselves and rewire their brains to “defeat their projections.”
Britt studied Psychology and Political Science at Emory University and received her bachelor’s degree in 2011. She currently splits her time between Atlanta, GA, and Miami, FL, with her husband, daughter, and two dogs.
According to Britt Lee, “Every decision you make or don’t make in life is based on your self-image. Make sure it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.”
She says, “You need to model yourself and your decisions after the goddess you are in your core, and you will live a goddess’ life. You’ll live a life of never-ending longing if you define yourself based on your trauma and the perceptions of others.”
You can easily book a session with certified and professional hypnotherapist “Brit Lee” if you are struggling with low confidence, self-doubt, and lack of clarity around the path you’re on in life. Alternatively, you can listen to the Goddess Nurture’s Podcast or follow her on YouTube to gain self-confidence and retake control of your life.
Britt Lee The Goddess Nurturer
Spotify Podcast: The Goddess Nurturer Podcast branch=1
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