Rami Beracha is not like the rest of us. While many stayed safe indoors, trying to keep a handle on endless video conferences and home food delivery, Beracha began to see new opportunities evolve. Instead of focusing on the chaos of the pandemic and its fallout, he recommends seeking out those digital innovations that would allow a business to thrive long after Covid becomes a story of the past. This advice transformed into action when Beracha developed new business ventures in one of the most challenging economic climates globally.
How did this happen? Beracha admits a life full of unique circumstances forged the idea that opportunities are available to those who look even during a crisis. That is why he is not afraid to develop new ventures. He views the post-Covid era as a new opportunity, not something that should paralyze entrepreneurs.
Beracha spent years promoting the Israeli high-tech industry and has decided to go international. Along with two young yet savvy partners, a new VC firm was formed, titled Eden Block. This is a London-based fund working out of the West End that will focus on supporting new companies innovating in the Blockchain and crypto tech spaces. The overarching goal is to push the development of new products and services into the public domain.
The Web 3.0 realm suits Rami’s thirst for disruptions – technological and otherwise. While admitting that this wide and exciting arena was identified as such before he arrived on the scene, Beracha is quick to catch up and utilize his vast experience in VC’s and his sense of smell for disrupting ideas and technologies.
“I see a great opportunity in forging a connection with the young but experienced partners,” says Beracha, “and this is why I joined forces with two young representatives of the current generation – people who connects naturally with both the customers and entertainers. This was and is the basis for Eden Block, and we are on to all kinds of exciting investments in new technologies – especially when everybody else is looking for shekter.”
The Driving Force of His Success
Beracha is filled with an underlying belief that when someone chooses to pursue anything new, they should be sure they have a passion for the subject. Believing in yourself and throwing your heart, mind, and soul into its development is critical to achieving success. Even if you have all the backing in the world, never move forward with a venture unless you feel authentic passion for its journey. You can always change things as something grows, but you cannot reclaim time and money from a venture you did not feel passionate about.
This life philosophy was developed from a unique perspective born from a story of interesting jobs and experiences. It was after Beracha spent time in the military that he received a law degree. This led to a short stint at a Wall Street legal firm based in NYC. One day Beracha decided this lifestyle was not what he wanted and completely changed direction by moving to France, where he pursued and was granted an MBA.
After receiving that degree, Pitango, Israel’s largest VC fund, scooped up Beracha. In only a few short years, he found himself as a managing partner, leading the firm in investing in over 200 Israeli startups. Many of these tech companies went on to exits with some of the world’s biggest companies like Marvel, Microsoft, Broadcom, and Apple.
None of that has slowed Beracha down. He went on to found Sosa in 2014. This is a New York-based firm connecting Israeli high-tech companies with global investors.
The Birth of a Stubborn Innovator
While some would say that Beracha suffers from a “blessed life,” the reality is far simpler, but nowhere near as easy. At 18, Beracha joined up with the IDF, training as a paratrooper during the Lebanon War. He completed officer training and found himself offering aid to wounded soldiers in an active landmine field in 1983. Unfortunately, Beracha stepped on a landmine, activating the explosive device, and lost his right hand and left leg.
What started as a mission to help others ended Beracha’s military career in a hospital, where his mind entered a state of depression. Stuck with nothing to entertain his thoughts but his own failings, Beracha found the inner courage to ignite passion. This energy became an unrelenting blaze and fueled his recovery.
Beracha soon left the hospital and began to pursue outdoor sports like snowboarding, hiking, cycling, and even climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. This fire for success has since been the catalyst in driving Beracha forward to overcome personal and business hurdles. He even exploited his love for kitesurfing by adapting his prosthetics on a trip to Panama, where he could attach his leg and arm to the surfing equipment and explore the saves like a pro.
“At first, I was very angry after getting injured,” continues Beracha. “But over time, my anger calmed down and was replaced with acceptance. What encouraged me was the knowledge that no matter what I choose to do in life, because of my disability, it will be harder for me than others, but it will also be more challenging and more interesting. For anyone learning to kitesurf, the moment you manage to stand on the surfboard for the first time is an exciting moment. And when you have no leg and no hand, it’s an even more special moment.”
These critical lessons are valuable for investors, entrepreneurs, and others facing impossible odds. Sometimes, our unwillingness to give up is the best champion of our future success. We must rely on our ability to find new opportunities and innovate so, like Beracha, we can see achievement where others would fear only failure.
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